E/M Utilization Benchmarking Tool


The following analysis shows a distribution of Evaluation and Management (E&M) codes for your practice compared to national Medicare averages for your specialty.  This can be used as a tool to evaluate your coding practices and identify any potential patterns that may warrant further scrutiny.

New Pt. E/M Utilization:
Actual vs. National Medicare Averages

Actual Medicare
New Pt Code Actual Medicare Difference

Est. Pt. E/M Utilization:
Actual vs. National Medicare Averages

Actual Medicare
Est Pt Code Actual Medicare Difference
Notice Physicians should never try and adjust coding to mirror the national averages; these are simply used as guides. Coding should always be based on reasonable and necessary medical services supported by accurate documentation

At AAPC Physician Services, our affordable chart reviews ensure that your documentation and coding are accurate. Based on thousands of chart reviews, our findings show that physicians are under coding approximately 15% and over coding or under documenting approximately 27% of submitted claims — equating to over $23,000 in missed revenue and over $41,000 in revenue at risk per year for the average primary care physician. A simple chart audit can help you optimize your rightful reimbursement and avoid repayment penalties with compliant documentation and coding.

For a confidential discussion about your results with a qualified coding expert, please contact us:

Call us at 866-200-4157

Schedule Your Chart Review