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Fine-tuning your Documentation for Medical Necessity in Plastic Surgery

Presenter Tyler Griffeth, CPC, CPRC
Broadcast Date 2/7/2019
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Fine-tuning your Documentation for Medical Necessity in Plastic Surgery Webinar

Learn more about this event

Join us for an in-depth look at Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery coding with a focus on medical necessity in documentation in order to meet the CPT® requirements. Look forward to an engaging presentation including information regarding plastics related CPT® and ICD-10 codes. Attendees can expect to learn a greater understanding of plastic surgery codes, the work these codes represent, ICD-10 coding typically associated with Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, relevant payer expectations, national coding guidelines, and documentation recommendations for fulfilling medical necessity.

Why is this topic important?
Many practices are not aware of when many procedures can be considered medically necessary rather than merely cosmetic. Knowing the details regarding what payers will require or expect when pre-authorizing or submitting documentation to a payer can mean the difference between being reimbursed appropriately for services physicians have provided, and being denied.

Who would benefit from this topic?
Anyone currently working in a plastic surgeon’s office, including physicians.

How would this benefit the individual and/or their company?
From financial and compliance perspectives. This might also help a practice’s PR, as they will be able to appropriately tell patients when to expect that a payer will pay for a procedure and when they likely not.

What information or new skills will the attendee take away from this webinar?
  • -ICD-10 coding typically associate with cosmetic and medically necessary Plastic Surgery
  • -Some relevant payer expectations regarding these codes
  • -National coding guidelines that effect the way these codes can be reported
  • -A greater understanding of these codes and the work they represent
  • -Documentation recommendations for fulfilling medical necessity

    Why is the presenter the expert on this topic?
    I have nearly 13 years coding experience. I am CPRC certified. I work in Utah which has one of the highest cosmetic surgeries per-capita in the USA. Finally, as a Technical Manager and Coding Consultant at Intermountain Health Care, I support physicians from all walks of the plastic surgery spectrum, from oculoplastic - to hand surgeons.

    Tyler Griffeth, CPC, CPRC

    About The Author

    Tyler Griffeth, CPC, CPRC

    Tyler Griffeth has been employed as a Coding Consultant for Intermountain Health Care for 11 years. During that time he has written coding recommendations, devised best practices across numerous specialties and presented to hundreds of Physicians, management and their staff regarding coding audits, guidelines, and updates.  He recently graduated from Gonzaga University with a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership. He holds two National Coding Certifications with the AAPC. He has held his Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification for the last 9 years and also has a Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Coding (CPRC) Certification. What he currently enjoys most, is being a father of three young boys and sharing them with a sweetheart of over 13 years. 

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