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Decoding the Complexity of Wound Care Coding

Presenter Jennifer R Swindle, CPC, CIC, CPMA, CEMC, CFPC
Broadcast Date 4/2/2025 Add this to your calendar!
Time 10:00am PT / 11:00am MT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET
Presentation Length 60 minutes
Price $65 (Non-members $85)
Decoding the Complexity of Wound Care Coding Webinar

Learn more about this event

Comprehensive program on types and treatments of wounds, both acute and chronic wounds. Discussion will include staging of ulcers, needs for ongoing treatment, classifications systems. The methodology of wound care treatments and debridements will be addressed, as well as the surgical interventions for flaps, grafts and adjacent tissue transfers. Policies on skin substitutes will be reviewed. Emphasis on the importance of the specificity of the diagnosis and the diagnosis guidelines and needs.

Learning Objectives/Agenda

• Understand types of wounds
• Understand methodologies of wound debridements
• Explanation of flaps, grafts, skin replacement, and tissue transfer
• Understand diagnosis coding needs and guidelines
• Review documentation requirements and needs

Why is this topic important?

Due to the high dollar cost of treatment and need oftentimes for frequent visits and follow-up, as well as the pain control and pain management that may be involved, this is an important topic to allow physicians and organizations to accurately be reimbursed for the services they provide, while being confident that the documentation meets the needs. With the high cost and frequent services, it can often be an area of monitoring by the payers. In facility sites, ulcerations may lso indicate a patient safety indicator. Different types of debridement also can be done by different types of providers, so that is important to make certain, codes are within the scope of service for the provider type.

Who would benefit from this topic?

• Coders that code for wound care
• Billers that process wound care claims
• Therapists (PT) that may provide wound care services
• Providers, surgical practices
• Nursing or ancillary staff that provides wound care, measure wounds, stage wounds

What is the presenter's background/expertise on this topic?

Over 40 years in revenue cycle services, extensive research into wound care coding rules and needs, as providing services and providing education to providers that practice within this realm. Utilization and review of many resources to pull current information together, as well as firm grasp on ICD10-CM guidelines and documentation requirements.

Jennifer R Swindle, CPC, CIC, CPMA, CEMC, CFPC

About The Author

Jennifer R Swindle, CPC, CIC, CPMA, CEMC, CFPC

Swindle has more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry. In her role as vice president of coding and compliance for Pivot Health, she is responsible for identifying and mitigating client risk by assessing, designing, and implementing proven compliance protocol. Swindle is highly credentialed as an auditor, but also has vast expertise as an educator and facilitator for both large and one-on-one sessions. She has written numerous articles on coding practice in AAPC the Magazine (formerly Coding Edge and Healthcare Business Monthly) and Healthcare Financial Management Association’s Revenue Cycle Strategist.

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