CPC® Online Exam Review

You’ve studied for the CPC exam, but is it enough? Increase your chances of success with a focused online exam review.

This eight-hour online exam review is ideal for:

  • Experienced coders (2 years minimum) taking the CPC exam
  • Students who completed an AAPC coding course
  • Students who have completed comprehensive coding education (80 hours minimum)

These exam reviews do not teach coding. If you need comprehensive training, AAPC's CPC Exam Preparation Training Course is recommended.

This review was designed to focus on both the common and most challenging coding concepts of the CPC exam. Students are able to take the review at their own pace and are given one year of access to the material. The review is divided up by domains covered on the exam, allowing students to focus on the areas where they find themselves lacking. This platform is easy to access through a high-speed internet connection. The review provides valuable test prep, such as demonstrating techniques for marking and using code books. Each session is an area of focus on the exam and will provide a review of key concepts, test taking tips and strategies, and a review of most commonly missed questions.

Exam Review students will:

  • Learn testing strategies
  • Review frequently missed questions
  • Participate in a focused review of each domain of the exam
  • Review online interactive lectures, created by expert AAPC certified instructors
  • Review sample test questions to solidify learning as you progress through the review

Add ons:

Note: These exam reviews do not teach coding and are not meant for a beginner. These reviews were created to work in conjunction with a course or as a supplemental review for experienced coders. If you need a comprehensive training, AAPC's CPC Exam Preparation Training Course is recommended.