AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

Choose the best exam format for you

Know what type of exam you want? Get your exam voucher now, and schedule it later.

2024 Exams Remote 600x338 webcam

Live remote proctored exam

Must have external webcam

  • Test remotely with a live, remote proctor monitoring you

  • Pick a day and time that works for you — 24/7

  • Save on travel time and costs

  • Must have a working computer, high-speed internet connection, an external webcam with a 6-foot cord, microphone, and speakers that meet specific requirements

  • Technology issues may need to be resolved by you

  • Only available in the U.S., U.S. Territories, Bahamas, and Jamaica

2024 Exams TestingCenter

Testing center exam

Ease technical anxiety

  • Take your exam at a testing center with an on-site proctor monitoring you

  • Schedule an exam during testing center business hours

  • Less distractions from family and pets in a controlled room

  • All equipment is provided by the testing center

  • Receive in-person assistance with any potential technology issues

  • Hundreds of available testing centers located throughout 110 countries


My experience taking an AAPC exam at a testing center

Watch as AAPC member, Victoria Moll, CPC, CPMA, CRC, CPRC, shares a detailed look at the new testing center exam process. She'll walk you through the entire journey, from buying the exam voucher to test day, including registration, scheduling, what to expect at the center, and tips for dealing with unexpected situations like bad weather.

Key factors to consider

The choice between a live remote proctored exam or a testing center exam largely depends on your personal preferences and situation. Both options have their pros and cons.

Ultimately, these three factors drive the decision for most examinees:

Technical requirements

Live remote proctored examinees must be sure their internet connection is secure and stable (minimum of 5 Mbps), their computer has the latest browser software, and their external webcam and microphone are working properly. If you have any doubts about your at-home equipment, we suggest taking the exam at a testing center where all equipment is provided, tested and verified.


Live remote proctored examinees will be required to do a new room and desk pan each time they leave the testing area. Testing center examinees are allowed to move away from their testing area after notifying the proctor they need a break.

Convenience and accessibility

Convenience and accessibility take priority for many examinees. With live remote proctored exams, time slots are available 24/7. The live remote proctored exam format also makes it so you can avoid the additional stress of travel time, costs of traveling to a testing center, and finding parking.

Exam day details

Gather all the information you need to plan out your exam day from start to finish. Know what potential stressors to anticipate and how to avoid them as much as possible.