Sunday, September 17, 2017
General Session
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11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.00 CEUs
GS1: Conference Welcome
Bevan Erickson , President AAPC Member Solutions
Come hear AAPC’s President, Bevan Erickson, discuss the future of healthcare, AAPC updates, and opportunities for its members.
Breakout Session 1
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12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
1A: Is Your Physician Ready…Coding, Communication, and Documentation
Brenda Edwards, CPC, CDEO, CPB, CPMA, CRC, CPC-I, CEMC
Is your provider willing to ‘roll the dice’ with current documentation? Whether we discuss documentation from a CDI standpoint or for ICD-10 readiness, the common thread is being prepared. Topics included effective provider education, documentation, and compliance in EHRs. This interactive session includes ‘how-to’ as well as ‘how-to-not’ communicate with your providers when delivering coding and documentation education.
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
1B: The Magical World of Oncology
MariaRita Genovese, CPC
Oncology billing and coding can be challenging. This session will highlight common denials, authorization processes, place of service issues, and new chemotherapy medication procedures, as well as hydration protocol for billing.
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
1C: 8 Keys for Practice Cash-Flow
Melanie Reed
Session will focus on providing specific skills of proven collection methodologies and examines the myriad topics businesses should consider when developing or improving their collections policies.
Attendees will leave equipped with effective collections tools that can be applied immediately, resulting in increased collections and employee productivity. This interactive session identifies the most common mistakes made by collectors with adjustment strategies to overcome these challenges. Collection skills are enhanced through an understanding of different payer types, problems, and motivators.
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
1D: How to Determine Coder Productivity- Facility and Professional
Sandra Soerries, COC, CPC
The attendee will discover the different components that should be considered when setting coder productivity goals. We will evaluate both facility and professional coding with types of service coupled together with other obstacles that might interfere. Our goal will be for the attendee to have sound results in setting these goals at their organization.
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
1E: Practice Management Do’s & Don’ts for Success
We will cover best methodologies for setting up your practice or medical organization for success. Hire the right people; learn about how engaged employees are more productive and have better patient outcomes. Learn best practices for enhanced financial oversight. Get a better understanding on solid quality and accountability measures that allow your practice to develop and be more sustainable & marketable.
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
1F: Risk Based Compliance Audits vs. Forensic (Error) Audits – Understanding the Difference
Michael D Miscoe, Esq, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CASCC, CCPC, CUC
When asked to perform an audit it is important to understand the type of audit
you have been asked to perform and on that basis, how to characterize and
communicate the results. Forensic Auditing differs substantially from
Compliance/Risk Auditing based on the criteria that can be applied and the
significance (from a disclosure perspective) of the results. This program will
outline the difference between these two types of audits as well as clarify the
types of criteria, how to delineate conditions of participation from conditions of
payment, the difference between coding and reimbursement rules and how
these differences influence your audit conclusions.
Breakout Session 2
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1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
2A: Understanding the Disease Process In Coding
Alicia Scott, CPC, CRC, CPC-I
Understanding the disease process is an intricate part of what we do as coding professionals. It begins with our knowledge of the definition, alternative terminology, common signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis’s, as well as the anatomy and pathophysiology of any given disease. We will look at each of these aspects and walk through how they make the selection of the highest specificity easier in coding.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
2B: Description Tools for Dermatology: Tips and Tricks for Accurate Reporting
Cynthia Stewart, COC, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I
Coding for integumentary procedures and services is loaded with complex coding concepts and difficult and frequently changing payor regulations. Understanding these complexities is key to accurate and compliant coding and reimbursement. During this session we will examine the distinctions between biopsies, excision, and destructions. We’ll identify documentation elements required to support dermatological services and conditions at the highest level of specificity. And finally we will discuss appropriate modifier usage to ensure that the claim relays the encounter appropriately.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
2C: Wanna Cry? – Don't! – Prevent Cyber Chaos and Ransomware Attacks
Paul Hales, JD
The U. S. Healthcare industry is heavily targeted by Cyber Criminals – Business Associates including billing and coding companies and Healthcare Providers alike. 72 % of Healthcare Cyber Attacks involve Ransomware according to the Verizon 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report. New types of Ransomware are particularly dangerous. They not only lock up your information system – they steal Protected Health Information (PHI). The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) underscored the danger by announcing that a Ransomware attack is presumed to be a Breach under the Breach Notification Rule requiring notification of all affected individuals if it encrypts a Business
Associate's or Covered Entity's Electronic Protected Health Information (EPHI) unless the organization can demonstrate and document the Ransomware Attack resulted in only a low probability of compromise to the EPHI. In this session Paul Hales will capture your attention with visual presentations and up to date information that explains – step-by-step – how to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a Ransomware Attack using the HIPAA Rules. HIPAA provides a blueprint to combat Ransomware. Following HIPAA Rules is easy when you know the steps.
Key Takeaway – A Blueprint to Prevent Cyber Chaos and Ransomware Attacks using and complying with the HIPAA Rules.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
2D: What's Coding Got to do With the Charge Master?
Sandra Soerries, COC, CPC
The who, what and how of building the charge description master. Who needs to be on the team. What needs to be included. And how should the information be evaluated before applied to claim forms.
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
2E: Transitional Care
Heather Greene, CPC, CPMA
Are you looking at setting up a Transitional Care Program? If so, this is the session for you! We will be looking at the Medicare guidance and regulations for Transitional Care. Including why we want to implement Transitional care and an overview of the TCM Staffing, rules and billing guidance
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
2F: Setting Up an Audit Program in the Office
Angela M Jordan, CPC, COBGC
The ACA lists seven core elements that are necessary for an effective compliance program. Setting up ongoing auditing and monitoring of systems to assess the effectiveness of the compliance program and identify issues is one of the seven core elements. During this session, we will discuss the steps of setting up an office audit program. Outlining the program components for service selection, audit tools, audit criteria, reporting, action plan, education and the necessary follow-up. We will also explore the different types of audits that can be performed in the office and why they would be necessary.
Exhibit Hall
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3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
EH1: Welcome Reception
Monday, September 18, 2017
Exhibit Hall
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7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
EH2: Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
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8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
| 1.00 CEUs
GS2: E/M Ambiguities - Panel Discussion (Open Forum)
Michael D Miscoe, Esq, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CASCC, CCPC, CUC; Jaci J. Kipreos, COC, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I, CEMC; Michael Warner DO, CPC, CPMA
A panel of industry experts including auditing, compliance/legal, physician and payer representatives will host an interactive discussion of the most common problems with proper reporting of E/M services. The panel will respond to questions from attendees regarding troublesome E/M documentation and scoring issues. The perspective of each panel member on these common issues will provide attendees with valuable insight that can be applied when developing internal compliance policies for resolving these concerns.
Breakout Session 3
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9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
3A: Navigating NCCI and its Modifiers
Angela B Clements, CPC, CPC-I, CEMC, CGSC, COSC
Modifier 59 is the most abused modifier. Stop relying on software edits to tell you to place the modifier on a CPT® code. Learn how to look up NCCI edits and appropriately apply modifier 59, XE, XP, XS and XU
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
3B: Treating Dupeytren's Contracture of the Hand without Surgery
Colleen Glisson, MD
Dupuytren’s disease is a relatively uncommon disease of the hand. This presentation will explore the features of the disease as well as its treatment methods. Participants will learn about traditional treatment with surgery as well as less invasive methods of needle aponeurotomy and collagenase injections.
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
3C: FBI Investigations of Healthcare Fraud
Noah Pittman
Presentation will cover various aspects of healthcare fraud (e.g. schemes), and examples of investigations into the matter.
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
3D: Streamline Your Revenue Cycle
Linda Martien, COC, CPC, CPMA
Being a practice manager means you must know where the buck stops in your facility or office: Who is accountable for what? Can you measure staff performance? What is your policy for conflict resolution? Collections, appointment no shows, absenteeism, etc.? We will address all these and more in a lively and interactive session.
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
3E: Medical Management Process
Jay Moore, MD
Anthem is one of the largest payers in the nation. Dr. Moore will be discussing how Anthem crafts its coverage guidelines, how it implements them in practice, and how the review and appeal process works. Dr. Moore will provide tips and tricks for submitting clinical information to help streamline the review process.
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
3F: What to do When the Audit Letter Comes
Sarah Jane Reed, CPC, CPC-I
Ms. Reed will address with the attendees the different types of external audits and their purpose (including, but not limited to, CERT, OIG, HEAT, ZPIC, MAC, MIC and commercial payer). In addition to defining and educating on what the intent of the audit is, she will provide information on how to respond and track these audits in your practice. Who should be involved - from manager to coding staff to providers - and how should you respond? Ms. Reed will also give some education tips for sharing in the practice so that staff understands the process and the importance of the audit in progress.
Breakout Session 4
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10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
4A: Ethics, Professionalism and Coder Liability Post Yates
Michael D Miscoe, Esq, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CASCC, CCPC, CUC
This session will outline the revised AAPC Code of Ethics to include its core
principles and why adherence to such principles is necessary in every
professional discipline. We will compare professional standards expected of
AAPC members with those of other recognized professional disciplines and the
role that ethics plays in not only your own professional image but in the image
of our members as an integral part of the healthcare team. We will then apply
these principles to outline the potential liabilities that coder’s face under the
False Claims Act in light of the DOJ Yates memo and conclude with examples
where administrative personnel have been prosecuted for misconduct.
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
4B: Gastroenterology Coding, Billing and Reimbursement Update
Kathleen Mueller RN, CCS-P, CGCS, CMSCS, CCC, CPC
An overview of the major issues impacting GI practices including screening versus diagnostic colonoscopy, advanced and multiple endoscopy, pathology, anesthesia, ICD-10, and other ancillary services.
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
4C: Combining Risk Adjustment and HEDIS to Improve Quality of Care
Colleen Gianatasio, CPC, CPC-P, CPMA, CRC, CPC-I
Health care is changing fast! This session will provide a brief introduction to the concept of risk adjustment as well as an overview of the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS). We will illustrate how overlapping these measures within a provider’s office can improve quality of care for patients while paving the way for success in value based reimbursement.
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
4D: DRG and Principal Diagnosis Coding
Amber Condren, CPC, CEMC
In this presentation, we will discuss all aspects of Inpatient coding on Revenue Cycle. We will discuss the Inpatient process and how it relates to documentation. We will follow Utilization Review patterns and impact to CMI (Case Mix Index). We will discuss the quandaries of Present on Admission, Principal Diagnosis sequencing and the role of the coder guidelines utilizing Inpatient Only Lists, Unacceptable Principal Diagnosis list as well as MC/CCC coding. Lastly, we will go through a real-time audit review. Question and Answer period is interactive and exciting.
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
4E: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
MariaRita Genovese, CPC
Communication is about more than just exchanging information. It's about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. Effective communication is also a two-way street. It’s not only how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone in exactly the way you intended, it’s also how you listen to gain the full meaning of what’s being said and to make the other person feel heard and understood.
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
4F: Audit Scope and Sampling
Jaci J. Kipreos, COC, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I, CEMC
These two parts of the audit process set the tone for the whole audit. In this session, we will discuss the steps needed and questions to consider to determine the scope and make the selection to ensure the audit provides the information that was requested.
Exhibit Hall
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12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
EH3: Lunch with Exhibitors
Breakout Session 5
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1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
5A: Advanced E/M – Ambiguities in E/M Scoring
Michael D Miscoe, Esq, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CASCC, CCPC, CUC
Ambiguities in the guidance provided by both CMS and the AMA
pertaining to selection of the level of E/M service will be
identified. Beyond those guidelines, common auditing methodologies
using the 95/97 Documentation Guidelines will be reviewed with special
emphasis on the areas requiring subjective analysis that often leads to
legitimate disputes regarding the appropriate E/M code level. Beyond
mere identification of these problem areas, we will discuss workable
approaches to resolving these problems as well as outline the internal
policies that can be helpful when defending your E/M coding choices.
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
Jennifer R Swindle, CPC, CIC, CPMA, CEMC, CFPC
This session will focus on the Transitional Care Management and Chronic Care Management
services and the documentation requirements needed to capture and report these services.
The primary objectives will be focused around:
Understand the rules for reporting TCM and CCM
Understand the documentation requirements
Recognize the impact these codes can have to the revenue cycle
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
5C: Risk Adjustment with Lessons Learned from ACA IVA
Brian R Boyce, CPC, CRC, CPC-I
This course reviews the basics of risk adjustment and how it is relayed into the ACA. Special attention is given to comparing and contrasting the ACA and Medicare Advantage, especially in the RADV vs. HRADV. Additional detailed information will be given on how HHS plans to institute exchanges in the marketplace. Some of this detail will be covered and other portions will be available as a reference.
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
5D: Physician Queries
Amber Condren, CPC, CEMC
How to write effective and legal physician queries. Know their purpose, who is responsible for writing the query, when a query should be sent, and should the query be part of the medical record. Also how written queries are starting to appear in the outpatient arena as well, and their pros and cons.
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
5E: Positioning to Thrive in a Value Based Healthcare Environment - 3 Key Strategies
Tracy Bird, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I, CEMC
The healthcare reimbursement system is undergoing unprecedented change. Until now, providers have been paid for volume based on how many patients they see. However, in the new environment payment will be based on value. Value is defined as high quality, low cost, improved outcomes,and safe delivery of care to patients.
The new buzz words around value based reimbursement include: Team based culture, Patient engagement, Collaborative partnering, Patient satisfaction, Care delivery models, Resource use, Outcomes, and Clinical documentation improvement.
Critically thinking about your organization requires a deep dive into 3 key areas:
o Organizational Preparedness
o Clinical Readiness
o Revenue Assessment
Once these three areas have been considered, an organization should be better prepared to make the decisions about their successful transition to value based reimbursement. Coders play an important role in the success of Value Based Reimbursement. This session will provide some ways coders can be involved in that success.
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
5F: Auditing an Orthopaedic Op note
Barbara S Fontaine, CPC; Ruby Catherine O'Brochta-Woodward, CPC, CPB, CPMA, COSC, CSFAC
Examples of orthopedic operative notes will be used in this presentation of how providers should document, and what to look for in their documentation to effectively code from an op note. You will come away with ideas to give your providers on how they can improve their dictation and documentation skills to be able to obtain the correct payment from carriers.
Exhibit Hall
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2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
EH4: Break with Exhibitors
Breakout Session 6
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3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
6A: Pharmacology Knowledge and the Coder
Alicia Scott, CPC, CRC, CPC-I
Medication is an essential part in the plan of care for a patient. To increase our knowledge as coding professionals we will discuss the basic principles for pharmacology, drug nomenclature, routes of administration and commonly prescribed drugs; their indications and possible side effects.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
6B: Obstetrics - Is it Global?
Coding for Obstetrics can seem complex and the nuances associated with in OB can create issues for the provider as well as the patient. Global OB care includes antepartum care, delivery, and routine postpartum care. The most common questions asked by coders deal with interrupted pregnancies, services provided in a complicated pregnancy or complicated delivery and care provided in the postpartum period.
Knowing reimbursement policies and guidelines is also critical and vary among payers. This session will address some of the most commonly asked questions, discuss industry standards and review coding guidelines in CPT and ICD-10-CM.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
6C: The Five Pillars of a Physician Office Clinical Documentation Improvement Program
Lisa L Campbell, COC, CPC, CPC-I
In this session, the presenter will share a journey of a successful Physician Office CDI program.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
6D: Bridging the Gap between CDI and Coding
Amy Fletcher
Interactive discussion on the differences in CDI and coders and the disconnect that exists at many facilities. We will discuss how effective communication and process implementation can strengthen the relationships between the two departments. Will be discussing query processes, mismatch processes, dealing with remote coders/CDI and importance of coming together for the good of the facility.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
6E: How To Attain Your Dream Job in 3 Easy Steps
Colleen Gianatasio, CPC, CPC-P, CPMA, CRC, CPC-I
This session will help particpants explore all the possibilites available in coding whether they are seeking their first coding job or looking to make a change. Participants will learn resume and interviewing tips as well as how to effectively utilize networking in their search.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
6F: Deep Dive – The Incident-To Rule – Common Misconceptions and Fraud Liability
Michael D Miscoe, Esq, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CASCC, CCPC, CUC
This advanced interactive session will outline through common examples the more problematic elements of the CMS incident-to rule as well as address the compliance risks associated with reporting services under this rule. Common misconceptions leading to mis-reporting will be addressed. Even attendees with advanced knowledge of this rule will walk away with a more complete understanding of the “integral although incidental” and “auxiliary personnel” components of the rule.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Exhibit Hall
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7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
EH5: Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
General Session
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8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
| 1.00 CEUs
GS3: ICD-10-CM 2018 Coding Updates
Even though we have over 69,000 codes, it’s not the numbers we focus on but what is contained in them. There are many additions and revisions for 2018 that will help us to be able to better demonstrate the true clinical condition of the patient. We will discuss the ICD-10-CM coding updates, guideline changes that are available and the clinical aspects of the coding system. We will also discuss any new documentation challenges with the revised and new codes.
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
| 1.00 CEUs
GS4: Codes - It's Not Always About Payment
Reimbursement models are ever changing and now emerging models will change how we get paid but does that mean the use of codes will change too? Learning how valuable data obtained from codes and how it can support any payment model (e.g., MACRA and MIPS) can help transform your practice, your documentation and your physician buy in.
Breakout Session 7
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10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
7A: The EMR said it was a 99215
Angela M Jordan, CPC, COBGC
Leveling E/M services in an EHR can be perilous. During this session we will explore the parts of the electronic health that are off limits, and areas that are questionable for compliance when determining the E/M level for an encounter. We will apply CMS guidance to ROS, PSH, and template information in the EHR to E/M coding, with case studies from EHRs.
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
7B: Interventional Vascular Coding
An overview of peripheral vascular surgical procedures, the anatomy, coding rules, areas of confusion as well as review of many of the new codes. Gain more understanding with hands on coding of notes. This will cover interventional as well as open procedures.
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
7C: Impact of Modifiers to the Revenue Cycle
Jennifer R Swindle, CPC, CIC, CPMA, CEMC, CFPC
While both payment modifiers and informational modifiers can impact the revenue cycle, it
is essential to understand the appropriate use of modifiers and the risk that inaccurate or
misuse can cause. Modifiers are often a top area of denial and necessary for coding
completely and accurately in many events. The primary objectives will be focused on:
• Understand the appropriate use of modifiers
• Understand denials related to modifier use
• Know both the risk of over utilization or inappropriate use of modifiers
• Understand
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
7D: Inpatient Coding 101: The Transition from Outpatient to Inpatient Coding
Leonta Williams, CPC, CPCO, CEMC, CHONC
This presentation will highlight general knowledge-based criteria needed to transition to inpatient coding including terminology, policy/procedure, facility coding guidelines, productivity/accuracy goals, etc.
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
7E: Accommodating Patient Requests to Access and Amend the Health Record
Michael Warner DO, CPC, CPMA
Can you imagine patients checking their medical records like we check our Facebook page or our LinkedIn profile? Can you imagine patients co-authoring the History component of a medical encounter? Are you ready to accommodate a patient’s federal right to request to access/amend the health record? See you at this presentation to discuss how you can welcome the new and emerging roles of patients in the digital age of healthcare.
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
| 1.25 CEUs
7F: How to Write an Audit Report and Why You Should
Jaci J. Kipreos, COC, CPC, CPMA, CPC-I, CEMC
The audit report is the key to understanding what happened and why it happened after the audit has been completed. Whether you are on the giving or receiving end of the report this session will provide an understanding of what should be expected in a report and why it is
so important to have all the pieces in one place.
Exhibit Hall
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11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
EH6: Lunch with Exhibitors
Breakout Session 8
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12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
8A: Population Health Management
Alicia Scott, CPC, CRC, CPC-I
Discussion of how Population Health Management is changing the role of coders, practice managers and clinicians in the workplace; focusing primarily on the independent practice in IPAs.
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
8B: Documentation for ED Visits with "Additional Work-Up" Planned
One of the most debated areas of Evaluation/Management (EM) code documentation is the Emergency Department (ED) and what constitutes 'additional work-up planned' when using high level codes (99284-99285) in an ED place of service for a physician claim. CMS leaves the definition to payer discretion as well as providers can also have their own definition. This module will help to clarify some of the common areas of documentation that should be in place if a high level E/M code is used in an ED place of service.
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
8C: Top Billing Mistakes and Myths
Linda Martien, COC, CPC, CPMA; Rhonda Buckholtz, CPC, CDEO, CPMA, CRC, CPC-I, CENTC, CGSC, COBGC, CPEDC; Katherine Abel, CPC, CPB, CPMA, CPPM, CPC-I; Ann M Bina, COC, CPC, CPC-I
This panel of industry leading billers will address the most common billing mistakes and myths surrounding claims submissions. The interactive session will delve into your current issues and problem solve your billing nightmares. Come prepared to participate.
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
8D: Two Midnight Rule - Where Are We Now
Heather Greene, CPC, CPMA
The Two-Midnight Rule has been ever changing. There are various key components that can help your facility meet the Two-Midnight Rule and pass any reviews your facility may undergo. Session will discuss the importance of supportive documentation, what should be documented for short stays, and compare the qualifications for types of treatment/stays.
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
8E: Social Media and the Coder
Brian R Boyce, CPC, CRC, CPC-I
This fun course is designed to make the audience think about social media, how it is used both personally and professionally and how health care organizations use it. Special attention is given to using social media more responsibly and with caution, especially for HIPAA as well as your own privacy concerns.
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
| 1.25 CEUs
8F: Advanced E/M: New vs. Established Patients and Modifier 25 Usage
We will discuss some complex situations when trying to determine if a patient is new or established; such as when a provider is covering for another provider or a new provider joins a practice.
Modifier 25 is a hot topic and it is sometimes difficult to determine when it can be used and when it cannot. We will review actual case examples for when an E/M is performed on the same day as a procedure or another service.
Dedication to Quality: AAPC is dedicated to the delivery of top-level education to our members and attendees. To accomplish this, AAPC reserves the right to make any necessary program adjustments/changes (for example, industry updates, speaker changes, schedule adjustments, etc.) that we feel may provide you with the very best event/educational experience.