Which Code Should be Billed for the Delivery?

Stony Point, New York
Best answers
Hello. I am wondering how to code this scenario? Patient admitted for PPROM and prolapse of cord from the vaginal, 21 weeks. In addition to the antepartum care, would I bill for the delivery only or delivery + postpartum care? Delivery was induced. Thank you so much.
Hello. I am wondering how to code this scenario? Patient admitted for PPROM and prolapse of cord from the vaginal, 21 weeks. In addition to the antepartum care, would I bill for the delivery only or delivery + postpartum care? Delivery was induced. Thank you so much.
I'm not clear on the question. If you provided all of the care and the pregnancy is over 21 weeks you can bill a delivery using which ever code represents the total care you have or intend to provide. Are you saying that the pregnancy an induced abortion at 21 weeks? I would need more details to give you the best answer.