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  • S
    Thank you.
  • C
    csperoni replied to the thread Wiki Billing 59409.
    If the provider who delivered sees the patient only in the hospital (no office antepartum or postpartum), you would bill 59409 and then subsequent visit(s) and discharge. The admission is included in the work of 59409. I will also add that many...
  • D
    danachock replied to the thread ICD10 FOR 85390.
    hello annettebec, please tell me you are not a coder that assigns a diagnosis code based on CPT and this was just one of those "one offs here". In your situation, you immediately contact your medical director and tell them the issue here...
  • C
    I think there are a lot of moving, compliance, and legal parts to this. Is your practice part of a larger healthcare system? What services will the residents be providing? Would it meet Primary Care Exception guidelines? From what I have...
  • C
    While I'm not familiar with Harvard Pilgrim, many payors will bundle 36415 into basically any other service provided that day, even if not NCCI edits. When I read the policy, it states they will not pay for venipuncture (aka 36415) when billing...
  • j2pricey
    j2pricey reacted to Sbrooks225's post in the thread Wiki CPC Entry Level Remote Job? with Like Like.
    Hi Sarah, My first remote coding job was with a company called ArroHealth which has now merged with Ciox. Ciox will hire CPC for remote positions as long as the A is removed. Also try United Healthcare and a company called GeBBS they also hire...
  • j2pricey
    j2pricey commented on's profile post.
    Omg I was wondering the exact same thing!!! 🙏 even if I need to take an e/m cert to add yo my credentials this role seemed so ideal
  • j2pricey
    j2pricey reacted to's post on kitkatcoder's profile with Like Like.
    Hey-- I saw you posted a few years ago about an opportunity for remote work as a CPC-A. Any chance you know of any current openings?
  • C
    cubbiecatz replied to the thread Wiki Z39.0.
    I have a situation that goes along with this diagnosis code. I was audited for a subsequent encounter from a cesarean delivery and was counted wrong for using Z39.0 as primary. The auditor stated I should have used O63.1, prolonged second stage...
  • C
    csperoni replied to the thread Wiki Coding 0502F.
    HealthFirst does seem to hint at that on the example, but I don't see that it is required when reading the policy. In fact, it would be pretty impossible to submit all the services on the same claim for a variety of logistics reasons. 1) The POS...
  • C
    This was discussed by a few of us in your other post FYI - forum guidelines specify to post your question only ONCE.
  • T
    would this be and I&D or debridement, or can you code both? Abdominal wall wound. was already opened but extend this Cepahalad about 10 cm and there was purulent fluid expressed. Culture was sent of the fluid. This was a subcutaneous...
  • C
    BMI pediatric codes how to figure out the bmi, no bmi ranges given eg. z68.52 is 5th percentile to less than 85th percentile????? What ???