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  • A
    aimeec87 replied to the thread Wiki casting and splinting.
    if it is in a global period, you must add modifier 58 to the casting code.
  • E
    Hello, I have 2 questions. Q1- Where do I find the updates/changes CPT 2025 Mental Health codes? Such as the E/M codes and therapy. Q2 - Is Adult Day treatment cpt H2012. What are the requirements that must be met to bill that service? Current...
  • E
    Hello, I have 2 questions. Q1- Where do I find the updates/changes CPT 2025 Mental Health codes? Such as the E/M codes and therapy. Q2 - Is Adult Day treatment cpt H2012. What are the requirements that must be met to bill that service? Current...
  • E
    EBRC17632 updated their status.
    Hello, I have 2 questions. Q1- Where do I find the updates/changes CPT 2025 Mental Health codes? Such as the E/M codes and therapy. Q2 - Is Adult Day treatment cpt H2012. What are the requirements that must be met to bill that service...
  • C
    Hello, can anyone help with this practicode question? Thank you Dx I chose: I50.1; Z95.1; Z95.5 E/M I chose: 99223 Are these correct? INPATIENT VISIT - INITIAL SEX: Male AGE: 83 Heart Failure Admission H&P * DATE OF SERVICE: 1/1/20XX...
  • C
    Add Home Health agency as location Billing POS of service 11 is correct. You can bill the date the physician signs the order or the start date of the home health services. Since most of our patients go on home health straight from inpatient...
  • K
    We have always used a 20550 with J3301 (Kenalog/Cortisone) together for a Dupuytrens Nodule injection but have noticed lately this being denied. This isn't the 20527 (Xiaflex), this is strictly a Cortisone injection performed in office into the...
  • E
    Thanks. :) And what about quickly finding the information you need from the documentation?
  • C
    I found this screenshot on the Medi-Cal website:
  • S
    solocoder posted the thread Wiki ICG/47563 in General Surgery.
    Can someone tell me just how much documentation is required to bill 47563 for a lap chole with ICG? If the only mention of ICG in the documentation (other than the heading) was "icg was utilized to confirm the anatomy", is that enough? Or is...
  • M
    HI if you are in Texas - EPSDT/VFC billing - Refer to the Texas THSteps guidelines: Per the guidelines E/M sick visits have to be split from the EPSDT visit. The "Acute Care visit E/M" must have the modifier 25 Parland Community Health Plan...
  • T
    TinaTeasley replied to the thread Wiki Axillary biopsy.
    I work for a comprehensive Breast Center. One of our surgeons does these all the time. The correct coding for the axillary lymph node would be 38505, 10035. Because when they do the 38505, they will also insert a soft tissue marker as well...
  • O
    Omy13 posted the thread Wiki PT coding in Orthopaedics.
    How should this be coded? Objective TTP medial portal hole No TTP medial or lateral joint line R knee Negative medial and lateral compartment McMurray test 60 min Description:BFR @70% LOA: -bridges 30x15x15 -iso quad 3x30Switched to RLE BFR only...
  • V
    i billed the cpt code 99391 with the EP modifier ...and it's still getting denied...
  • C
    carlystur reacted to amyjph's post in the thread Wiki Co-Surgeon help with Like Like.
    If the providers are two different specialties and they dictated separate op notes for their part of the case and the procedures allow for co-surgery and they named one another as co-surgeons in each it is best to have two separate claims for...