Wiki Translation Services

cathy reidy

Jacksonville, FL
Best answers
Does anyone know how to bill for translation services? I see T1013, however the code has been denied, because the service is not medical? I need some assistance. Also, would someone know the payers code?

Thank You,

I need this information also. What I have been able to find so far, is that it probably will not be reimbursed. Sometimes, Medicaid (depending on the state) may pay, but Medicare (federal) won't. And as far as private payers go, I don't know.

I found a brief article at:

I know this isn't much of a help, but I thought I would share the little bit of information that I found.

Take care,
I need this info, also I assume the documentation should note interpreter services used?
Provision of translation services is mandated by Federal law regardless of whether the patient's health coverage pays for the service. A payer (eg, Medicaid) may pay for code T1013 but many do not. It is beneficial to verify if and how the payer covers language interpretation before the service is provided as some plans offer free services but the service must be scheduled in advance. If not helpful for past services, perhaps it will be helpful for ongoing care. Some community organizations also offer free medical interpreters. Cindy