Wiki Should an xray be billed separate under the radiologist if done at the time of an e/m visit?


Brooksville, FL
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We have been billing xrays under the provider that seen the patient when done at the time of the e/m visit. We do own the equipment. It was brought up that we should maybe bill the xrays separate under the reading radiologist instead of the provider name w/ the office visit. Who should we be billing the xrays under?
We have been billing xrays under the provider that seen the patient when done at the time of the e/m visit. We do own the equipment. It was brought up that we should maybe bill the xrays separate under the reading radiologist instead of the provider name w/ the office visit. Who should we be billing the xrays under?

Is the radiologist reading the x-ray and writing the radiology report documenting the findings?

Remember that there are 2 components that can be billed for radiology. The professional component for the reading of the x-ray, and the technical component for the use of the machine. If the same provider owns the equipment and does the reading, they can bill the global service.
If the providers have their own equipment and radiologists work under physicians as clinical staff, the X-ray services can be billed globally under physicians.
Yes, that is correct. I wasn't sure what the arrangement with the radiologist was, whether they were part of your practice or an outside radiologist who did the readings for you. Sorry for any confusion!