Wiki Reconstruction Facial, MOHS RECONSTRUCTION NASAL


Mandeville, LA
Best answers
I don't code plastic surgery very often and would appreciate any help with this. The flaps and grafts are quite confusing to me. The scheduling codes include 14060, 15260, 13151. Would these be correct? Any additional codes?

Procedure: Reconstruction Facial, MOHS RECONSTRUCTION NASAL

Pre-Op Diagnosis: basal cell carcinoma of nose with complex defect involving right nasal tip and ala

Post-Op Diagnosis: basal cell carcinoma of nose

This defect was complex in the sense that it was very distal nearly at the alar margin involving both subunits of the nasal tip as well as the nasal ala. Because there was a concavity between these 2 it was felt that this would have to be reconstructed into different manners to respect the concavity as well as try and prevent retraction of the nasal margin. The defect measured 12 x 9 mm. The alar part measuring 4 x 8 mm. The skin edges were freshened to within 1 mm and hemostasis was assured. Undermining was undertaken in a supra muscular subcutaneous plane. We felt that a bilobed advancement rotational flap using Zitelli's modification was in order and this was measured marked the incisions made the flaps elevated in a supra muscular subcutaneous plane and the flaps were rotated without tension into position and secured using a layered closure. This was accomplished using 6 0 buried Vicryl sutures for the subcutaneous tissues and deep dermis while the skin edges reapproximated using interrupted 6-0 Prolene. Because slight amount of alar retraction and as planned we proceeded with a skin graft harvest. The donor site was chosen from the right preauricular region. A template was fashioned to mimic the deformity and the skin was marked for excision. It was excised down through the skin of all layers of skin and into the subcutaneous tissues. The donor site was then undermined in a subcutaneous plane and closed with a layered closure of 6 0 buried interrupted Vicryl for the subcutaneous tissues and deep dermis was skin edges reapproximated using a running 6-0 Prolene. Small amount of bacitracin ointment and a dressing was applied. The graft was prepared removing it subcutaneous tissues and the full-thickness skin was placed in position cut to fit and secured using interrupted 6-0 chromic sutures.
I see the flap for the tip, 14060, and the FTSG to the ala, 15260.
I'm not seeing separately reportable complex closure, 13151. Undermining to separate the flap from the underlying tissue isn't separately reportable with the flap code.
Hope that helps
Ok thank you so much. I agree with this. Also, I am assuming the MOHs surgery portion was performed before this reconstruction procedure and would not be coded. Would this be correct?
Ok thank you so much. I agree with this. Also, I am assuming the MOHs surgery portion was performed before this reconstruction procedure and would not be coded. Would this be correct?
UPDATE: So I did learn the MOHS surgery was done a prior date. This is just the reconstruction portion. I coded 14060 and 15260. Dx codes included Z42.8, Z85.828, Z98.890. Hopes this helps others!