Wiki PHQ-2 followed by PHQ-9

Westbrook, ME
Best answers
We are billing 96127 for depression screening of adolescents. All patients 12+ are given the PHQ-2 and if any answers are positive, they are then given the PHQ-9. So my question is: if both PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 are completed and interpreted is it appropriate to bill 96127 x2?


No, PHQ-2 is not billable. You must be PHQ-9 to bill the code. PHQ-2 is the first 2 questions of the PHQ-9. So 2 units would be double billing for the same service.
PHQ-2 is not billable, can you please give me a reference??
The response (back in 2017), was that it would not be appropriate to bill 96127 TWICE if patient was first given PHQ-2, and then PHQ-9. The first 2 questions of PHQ-9 are the PHQ-2. You cannot count the same work/questions twice. As stated, that would be double dipping.