Outpatient Clinic Setting Diabetic Infusion Center

Clarksdale, MS
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Hello! I'm new here and a newbie on billing and coding and currently in school for it. I work for a diabetic infusion center that is right beside our rural health clinic. We have diabetic infusions monday-friday and for the first 12 weeks; each patient comes to get infused with insulin and saline through a DME pump (external infusion pump) twice weekly. And then after the 12 weeks is up, each patient comes back for an initial 90 day follow up consult after having recent labs drawn to be bumped out to one infusion weekly and so forth. Could anyone help me on coding for this outpatient clinic diabetic infusions? the infusions last anywhere from 2-3 hours twice weekly. We get our pumps and supplies through our contracted infusion supplier (Restor Metabolix). Please can someone help me. I know the office visit would be 99213 or 99214 since our nurse practitioner has to be there as well as our nurses.