Hi everyone. Was wondering if someone can help guide me in the right direction. I am getting a few codes from other coders on this and I don't really know which way to go. Thanks for your help in advance 
Procedure Name:
Elective right radical nephrectomy.
Procedure Description:
After informed consent was received patient was brought to the operating room and placed in a flank position. His flank abdomen was preped and draped in a standard fashion. A *right flank incision was made. The muscle and fascia were appropriately divided. The retroperitoneum was entered. The Bookwalter retractor was positioned in place. The kidney was visible in the retroperitoneum. The tumor and gerotas did appear to have a significant fibrotic reaction. The tumor was hemorrhagic and friable. The cystic area did burst during our manipulation. Again there was alot of reaction around the gerotas and capsule which required meticulous dissection. We gently dissected our way around the kidney and towards the hilum using blunt dissection, ligasure, and vascular stapler.
We isolated the hilum. A stapler was fired through the hilum thus dividing it. The upper pole was meticulously dissected without the adrenal gland using the stapler. The kidney was then removed intact within the gerotas fascia. We irrigated the space.
Did he remove only the Kidney and the gerotas fascia? When he says removed intact with the GF, that is what I am thinking. Maybe I am way off and wrong.
I have one coder telling me to look at 50240 and another 50220.
Thanks again!!!!
50240 only removes a portion of the kidney and 50220 removes the kidney, upper portion of ureter but no gerotas fascia.
Procedure Name:
Elective right radical nephrectomy.
Procedure Description:
After informed consent was received patient was brought to the operating room and placed in a flank position. His flank abdomen was preped and draped in a standard fashion. A *right flank incision was made. The muscle and fascia were appropriately divided. The retroperitoneum was entered. The Bookwalter retractor was positioned in place. The kidney was visible in the retroperitoneum. The tumor and gerotas did appear to have a significant fibrotic reaction. The tumor was hemorrhagic and friable. The cystic area did burst during our manipulation. Again there was alot of reaction around the gerotas and capsule which required meticulous dissection. We gently dissected our way around the kidney and towards the hilum using blunt dissection, ligasure, and vascular stapler.
We isolated the hilum. A stapler was fired through the hilum thus dividing it. The upper pole was meticulously dissected without the adrenal gland using the stapler. The kidney was then removed intact within the gerotas fascia. We irrigated the space.
Did he remove only the Kidney and the gerotas fascia? When he says removed intact with the GF, that is what I am thinking. Maybe I am way off and wrong.
I have one coder telling me to look at 50240 and another 50220.
Thanks again!!!!
50240 only removes a portion of the kidney and 50220 removes the kidney, upper portion of ureter but no gerotas fascia.