Wiki Neck dissections

Coal City, IL
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Am looking for clarification on what codes to use for Neck dissections. Where can I find more information on billing 38724 and 38700 etc? Any help would be appreciated
Do you have questions in addition to what the CPT book shows for that section?

By the way, I think the term you want is "resection" not "dissection".
Am looking for clarification on what codes to use for Neck dissections. Where can I find more information on billing 38724 and 38700 etc? Any help would be appreciated
I'm looking at MRND=Modified Radical neck dissections, SND-Selective neck dissections. I'm looking for education regarding the neck dissections and what codes to use for each.
Do you have questions in addition to what the CPT book shows for that section?

By the way, I think the term you want is "resection" not "dissection".
Oops, sorry, was looking at some of the codes in the resection category.

I'm still not understanding your question. Are you confused after you read the section in the cpt book?

A Modified radical neck dissection (38724, also known as cervical lymphadenectomy) is an excision of all the lymph nodes routinely removed in a radical neck dissection(38720, also known as suprahyoid lymphadenectomy), but with preservation of one or more nonlymphatic structures.

Here is an article from this very same site on this subject.
"38720, also known as suprahyoid lymphadenectomy" - is incorrect. 38720 is a Radical lymphadenectomy. 38700 is Suprahyoid lymphadenectomy -level 1 only.