Wiki medassurant (remote coding)

The real kicker is they REQUIRE that you sign a NON COMPETE contract. The contract states that you cannot work for another coding company that performs ANY of the same services that MedAssurant does for a 2 Year period after you no longer work for them.### I completed 30 hours of training, passed the test and completed 3 reviews for them. It is my understanding that I will not be paid because I will not sign (on advice from an employment attorney) the non compete contract. (Read through ALL of your paperwork). I performed reviews for them, without sending in the paperwork, I had not signed the privacy policy, HIPAA agreement etc. I feel that this is not good business practice. OUCH!:(

YOU are absolutely correct. Do not find yourself working for people like this. Years ago, I was a insurance adjuster and traveled. We had to sign a contract for a company stating we would not work for another, while employed by them. No money to be inclusive to them only---but we were sent on the road to a job. Once there, we were left with no work because another company stole their contract. We were left hanging. Well to make a long story short, about 7 of us got together, and turned them into the labor board, and filed a formal complaint. As it turned out, their contract was not worth the paper written on, and we were being held as their sole prisoner to not work for their competition. So please---please if you are concerned and have issues with this company, make copies of these boards, and everything you see from other coders about this company and save them for your own personal need. Call your labor board and quiz them about laws of you signing a contract inclusive to them, and being held accountable to them when work runs out. It might some day turn into a class-action lawsuit to be able to get out of your contracts or if they persue holding you accountable and suing you in return.