Wiki Looking for the primary codes for procedure code 63035

Detroit, MI
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Denial states add-on code 63035 was missing a primary code. The claim was billed with codes 20939, 22612, 22614, 63048, 22842 and 63047. Thank you all!!
Denial states add-on code 63035 was missing a primary code. The claim was billed with codes 20939, 22612, 22614, 63048, 22842 and 63047. Thank you all!!

Do you have access to a CPT book or online encoder? The CPT book will always show the primary codes associated with an add-on code.

63035 has a note to code first 63020-63030. By the way, I checked the NCCI edits for 63020-63030, and both of those CPT codes would hit an edit against your 63047.

Before resubmitting any claim, you should review your documentation and ensure that your coding and modifiers are accurate.

(These codes are outside my area of expertise, so my post is limited to verifying what's in the CPT book for the add-on and double-checking the NCCI edits.)