Wiki Injection into subglottis


Auburn Hills, MI
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I have a report that the doctor did an injection of steroids in the subglottis. The report says "0.2 cc of kenalog 10 mg/1ml was injected into the submucosal area at the site of the dilated stenosis." He did use a laryngoscope during the procedure. I was told the code to use for a kenolog injection is 11900 but I'm also looking at code 31570. Any opinions on which code would be a better choice? Thanks!
Was a direct laryngoscopy performed (sedation/GA) and the scope is put through the mouth or was the scope put through the nose, ie: flexible laryngoscopy?

If a direct laryngoscopy was performed, 31570 and the J code would be coded. If a microlarynogoscopy was used, 31571 would be used with the J code.

If a flexible laryngoscopy was used (the patient as probably awake), 31573 would be coded with the J code.