Wiki Evacuation of hematoma


Fayetteville, Arkansas
Best answers
Has anyone coded for an evacuation of a hematoma retroperitoneal approach dissecting down to the csoas muscle ? Will I need to use an unlisted code ? if so what code ?
I believe you can consider any of these three options:

26990 Incision and drainage ,Pelvis and /or hip joint AREA; deep abscess or hematoma.

You have I & D code for Retroperitonel abscess open 49060. But this is more unlikely because it (abscess) is infective pyogenic mass, whereas hematoma is nonpyogenic UNLESS it is infected.

If you had large and measurable hematoma and extensive meriting for more of excision and destruction of the cystic mass , (I feel that you can consider 49203 depending on the size:
My logic here is when Cysts or Endometrioma can have place here , the cystic mass like Hematoma(same like endomerioma because Endometriomas are cyst like hemorrhagic mass of endometrial tissues ) can have a place here too, provided it meets the extensive evacuation and destruction