Our practice has two MD's and two CNM's.
Often, the CNM's will assist during Cesarean Deliveries.
The provider will list the assistant CNM in the heading of the operative report simply as:
Assistant: CNM's name
The remainder of the operative report does not mention the CNM again.
I am in the process of billing the CNM's claim for assisting during the C/S with modifier "AS: Physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist services for assistant at surgery."
I am looking to use modifier AS over modifier 80, as modifier 80 is specific for an Assistant Surgeon, which the CNM's are not.
According to the CMS HCPC Code Set guidelines, modifier AS is to be billed a specific way:
1) Under the operating physicians NPI, not the assistants NPI
2) "The main surgeon should clearly specify in the medical record the medical necessity for utilizing the service of an assistant."
Our MD's are disputing that they need to document why an assistant was needed during the Cesarean Delivery. Even after showing them CMS guidelines on the documentation requirement, they state they have never had a denial or request before for not having a statement on why an assistant is medically necessary. They want me to bill the claim and just let them know if it denies for that, because they say it will not.
Does anyone have any information on if Cesarean Sections are specifically excluded from this requirement? Or am I misinterpreting CMS' guideline here. Could CMS be meaning that the Operative Report just has to have documentation that substantiates the need for an assistant, rather than an actual statement on exactly why they needed one?
Our practice has two MD's and two CNM's.
Often, the CNM's will assist during Cesarean Deliveries.
The provider will list the assistant CNM in the heading of the operative report simply as:
Assistant: CNM's name
The remainder of the operative report does not mention the CNM again.
I am in the process of billing the CNM's claim for assisting during the C/S with modifier "AS: Physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist services for assistant at surgery."
I am looking to use modifier AS over modifier 80, as modifier 80 is specific for an Assistant Surgeon, which the CNM's are not.
According to the CMS HCPC Code Set guidelines, modifier AS is to be billed a specific way:
1) Under the operating physicians NPI, not the assistants NPI
2) "The main surgeon should clearly specify in the medical record the medical necessity for utilizing the service of an assistant."
Our MD's are disputing that they need to document why an assistant was needed during the Cesarean Delivery. Even after showing them CMS guidelines on the documentation requirement, they state they have never had a denial or request before for not having a statement on why an assistant is medically necessary. They want me to bill the claim and just let them know if it denies for that, because they say it will not.
Does anyone have any information on if Cesarean Sections are specifically excluded from this requirement? Or am I misinterpreting CMS' guideline here. Could CMS be meaning that the Operative Report just has to have documentation that substantiates the need for an assistant, rather than an actual statement on exactly why they needed one?