The NST record states the indication is "Leaking Vaginal Fluid."
NST results were "reactive."
Patient discharged to home.
What would you code as the reason for the visit?
I'm thinking either O47.03 (False Labor) because the sub-description is "Threatened labor." The patient must have been thinking she had SROM, so it was a labor check?
Or I'm thinking O26.89 (Other specified pregnancy related condition) with N89.8 (other specified noninflammatory disorder of the vagina)
Or perhaps O41.8X30 (Other specified disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes)
Thank you!
NST results were "reactive."
Patient discharged to home.
What would you code as the reason for the visit?
I'm thinking either O47.03 (False Labor) because the sub-description is "Threatened labor." The patient must have been thinking she had SROM, so it was a labor check?
Or I'm thinking O26.89 (Other specified pregnancy related condition) with N89.8 (other specified noninflammatory disorder of the vagina)
Or perhaps O41.8X30 (Other specified disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes)
Thank you!