Wiki Covid IP sub day non face to face


Wichita, KS
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Any thoughts on sub day visits IP non face to face with covid patient that is not a telemedicine visit. The doctor reviewed the chart and made mdm but did not see the pt face to face for an exam due to covid. What do you think about 94999 and compare it to G0406-8? It seems the doctor should get some type of reimbursement for work done.
He is not the attending physician, correct? Even with COVID, the attending physician should be examining the patient.

No history, no exam. All you have is review of someone else's records and MDM. I would look at the 99446-99452.
No electronic communications or phone calls and phone calls need to be patient initiated, correct? I don't think I can use anything except 99499 and even with dr letter and documentation may not get paid. Just seems dr is doing some work and should get reimbursed.
If you read the 99446-99452, you will see that it is Interprofessional Telephone/Internet/Electronic Health Record Consultations, not patient communications. I asked if the doctor is the attending physician, because then you would have to skip to the last code, which is for the treating physician.

So I will say again, you need to go to that section of the book and read the introduction and the definitions of each code.
Thank you. I don't have a current CPT book but using Codify through AAPC. My physician is the consulting and there are numerous sub days IP status. Those codes look hopeful for my situation. Thank you again.