Wiki coding procedure for nonunion, internal fixation


Bradenton, FL
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I have a question for all you orthopedic coding guru's out there. Patient was referred to one of our doctors due to a nonunion of the clavicle. Patient had previously had reduction with internal fixation done by a different doctor. Our doctor did surgery - basically debrided the bone and tissue and did a pinning and internal fixation. Where there is no code for repair of a nonunion of the clavicle, would it be appropriate to use 23515 or should it be coded as an unlisted? I need this information ASAP! Thanks.
I have heard of using 23480 and 23485 for non union of clavicle. Without the report it
would be hard to say whether or not it is appropriate in your situation.
Thank you! This is what I was looking for but was stuck on the fact that it was a fracture and did not look at osteotomy.