Wondering how to code this I&D of a foot abscess. Cannot use 11044 due to LCD. Was wondering if I can use 28002. Thanks for any help!
Fifteen blade was used to make an incision through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Abscess cavity was identified. Purulent drainage noted. Cultures obtained. Curette was used to debride the abscess cavity. Area of the necrotic skin was also evaluated. necrotic skin was resected from dorsal part of the foot using a 15 blade.. Abscess cavity was noted. Curette was used to debride the purulent an abscess, muscle fascia extensor tendon a curette was used to debridement of the tarsal bone was copiously irrigated.
Fifteen blade was used to make an incision through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Abscess cavity was identified. Purulent drainage noted. Cultures obtained. Curette was used to debride the abscess cavity. Area of the necrotic skin was also evaluated. necrotic skin was resected from dorsal part of the foot using a 15 blade.. Abscess cavity was noted. Curette was used to debride the purulent an abscess, muscle fascia extensor tendon a curette was used to debridement of the tarsal bone was copiously irrigated.