I have a doctor who will be performing the following procedure in conjunction with the Ebus or Robotic cases for Bronchoscopies. The code is C9500, which is Bronchoscopy, rigid or flexible, non-thermal transbronchial ablation of lesion(s) by pulsed electric field (PEF) energy, including fluoroscopic and/or ultrasound guidance with performed, with computed tomography acquisition(s) and 3D rendering, computer-assisted, image-guided navigation, and endobronchial ultrasound (ebus) guided transtracheal and/or transbronchial sampling (e.g. aspirations(s)/biopsy(ies)) of all mediastinal and/or hilar lymph node stations or structures, and therapeutic interventions. Is anyone currently working on billing this type of procedure out. this is also known as the Alyia procedure. I would appreciate your insight on this. Thanks so much.