Pathology Report: "Ovarian serous borderline tumor. - No gross evidence of extracystic extension of tumor."
Providers choice: D39.11 (Neoplasm of uncertain behavior, right ovary)
My selection: C56.1 (Malignant Neoplasm of right ovary)
I came to my selection by following the ICD-10-CM Index
Term: Tumor
Subterm: Serous - of low malignant potential - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
I also went under the index term "Cystadenoma"
Subterm: Serous - Borderline Tumor
Ovary - C56
Specified Site NEC - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
Am I following the ICD-10-CM index wrong here? Since this is of the ovary, it leads directly to malignancy coding. Any input would be helpful. Thank you!
Providers choice: D39.11 (Neoplasm of uncertain behavior, right ovary)
My selection: C56.1 (Malignant Neoplasm of right ovary)
I came to my selection by following the ICD-10-CM Index
Term: Tumor
Subterm: Serous - of low malignant potential - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
I also went under the index term "Cystadenoma"
Subterm: Serous - Borderline Tumor
Ovary - C56
Specified Site NEC - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
Am I following the ICD-10-CM index wrong here? Since this is of the ovary, it leads directly to malignancy coding. Any input would be helpful. Thank you!