Wiki Billing G0463 together with 11042 during a wound clinic visit vs only billing 11042

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Hi I work in a hospital based outpatient wound clinic. For the facility charges can one bill G0463 together with 11042 for a wound care visit; or should the facility only bill the procedure code 11042 (subQ debridement). The pt is only there for the wound no unrelated service but the wound. Appreciate the input.
First thing that comes to mind is procedure only. It sounds like the appointment was only for a wound care only. While yes a room was used, in my experience the G0463 is used on the facility side when an E&M is performed.
I have coded for our Wound Care center for 5 years. We bill the G0463 in the above case when the insurance is billed on a UB and 1500. Commercial insurances do not get billed that way.
If this is provider-based billing for federal payers, you would report the procedure on both the 1500 and the UB. G0463 is the E&M equivalent on the facility side. If you did just the procedure on the professional side, you bill just the procedure on the facility side.