Wiki Bariatric Surgery Complications


Deckerville, MI
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The doc had to remove the gastric band and port. He started the surgery and removed the band laparoscopicly. He could not get to the port. He made a seperate incision to remove the port. This was a very small protion of the procedure. In this senario, would open still trump lap? I coded the lap portion for the removal of the band only.. and have a seperate code for the removal of the port only. I think I should code the entire procedure as lap.. ??
10. If a procedure utilizing one approach fails and is converted to a procedure utilizing a different approach, only the completed procedure may be reported. For example, if a laparoscopic hysterectomy is converted to an open hysterectomy, only the open hysterectomy procedure code may be reported
There are codes for lap band and codes for ports. Laparoscopic or open procedures. Since there are assigned codes and no bundling issues we can code both