Wiki 2024 E/M Time Requirement Changes


North Monmouth, ME
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Can anybody clarify for me if the new 2024 minimum time requirements for office visit E/M codes (99202---205, 99212-99215) are ALWAYS required or if the provider is still allowed to pick codes based on medical decision making OR time? Thanks!
Not always required. I don't even use time. Most my providers do not add their time into their notes. I always use MDM. I code virtual medicine. Time is only required for telephone visits
Can anybody clarify for me if the new 2024 minimum time requirements for office visit E/M codes (99202---205, 99212-99215) are ALWAYS required or if the provider is still allowed to pick codes based on medical decision making OR time? Thanks!
Let me edit my last response. I recently just discovered that for Telehealth visits certain states require "start and stop times." documented in the note. All states have different guidelines. Minnesota requires the start and end times even if not using time as determining factor. I personally still use MDM.