Wiki 0394t


Dallas, TX
Best answers
Does anyone know why we cant bill the 26 or TC component. My Dr. will not remove the 26 because she does not own the equipment. Medicare keeps rejecting the claims, but the dr wants a reason. Medicare states they are not coders so therefore they are not allowed to basically comment. I am at a lost. Please help!
Does anyone know why we cant bill the 26 or TC component. My Dr. will not remove the 26 because she does not own the equipment. Medicare keeps rejecting the claims, but the dr wants a reason. Medicare states they are not coders so therefore they are not allowed to basically comment. I am at a lost. Please help!

0394T doesn't have a 26/TC breakdown. Medicare is right to reject claims for it that are billed with either a 26 or TC.
I meant to post this earlier but the AAPC site was having a meltdown, thus losing my post.

I checked the RVU file and as mentioned above the PC/TC indicator is set to 0 which means physician only service