
  1. N

    Wiki ICD- 10 Clasrification

    ICD- 10 Clarification Hi Can any one reply the answer for right atrial mass ICD 10 code?
  2. N

    Wiki what code for muscle spasm of neck

    which code would you use for: 1) muscle spasm of neck M62.838 other muscle spasm m62.48 contracture of muscle , other site 2) suprapubic abdominal pain be? R10.2 thanks much appreciated
  3. T

    Wiki CPT Code for nasal swab/brushing for ciliary dyskinesia

    My physician did a nasal swab/brushing for Ciliary Dyskinesia, not a 'culture' swab but a tiny bottle brushing of the nasal turbinate's. Procedure done in the physician's office. We need a procedure code if there is one for this procedure. I am thinking it would be some type of Lab code...
  4. D

    Wiki Coding an annual wellness exam for Medicare patient and the Pap smear

    There is a discussion in our office about billing for Pap Smear on a Medicare pt. There is a problem in understanding the Medicare preventative coding of a Pap Smear. We received many denials recently because we were billing the 88175 with codes Z01.411 or Z01.419. They were denied due to the...
  5. J

    Wiki HCPCS/NDC Number

    Does an NDC number need to be submitted w/HCPCS medication code?
  6. D

    Wiki new to Path question on Icd10 Z codes

    I haven't coded path since ICD10 was implemented. I don't have a ICD10 Lab book. Question: When coding and billing for any drug test for pain management is there a guideline that you have to have an encounter code or Z code billed? To add to that is there any guideline to any other ICD10 code...
  7. L

    Wiki new vaccines and/or new formulation

    I work at an FQHC and we are still using our lots of old formulation in our vaccines for example 90734 Menectra; the new code has formulation quadrivalent, previously it was tetravalent. It is still the same code but we are using the tetravalent. We are also still giving 90645 Hib vaccination...
  8. K

    Wiki 82075 Not on 2016 PFS?

    Hello! I work for a substance abuse treatment facility with a lab and we bill UAs and BACs on a regular basis. We started getting rejects on the 82075 code from Aetna as not eligible for payment. The code is still listed in the 2016 CPT so we thought we were good. However, when I checked the...
  9. L

    Wiki Billing with Lesser Code?

    Are there any situations where a practice would bill with a lesser code? If there are 2 codes that are the same except the newer code has an extra step done, can we keep using the older code since we already have a contract with our par ins to perform the lesser code? In the end, we are doing...
  10. W

    Wiki prolonged services question

    When attempting to determine the appropriate E/M codes to use when an extensive amount of time has been spent with the patient (and documented appropriately :) ), how do you figure out the initial E/M code to use? For example, if you have a 90 minute established patient office visit, do you...
  11. K

    Wiki Radiation Oncology Question - 2016 - Simulation at Cone Down

    Can code 77290 be billed during the cone down for freestanding facilities for IMRT in 2016? There are cci edits for the code 77290 with 77301, but during the cone down the code 77301 is not billed out, but can the Simulation be billed? In 2015 the Simulation code, 77290 was bundled during the...
  12. J

    Wiki icd 10 code for IUD check ups

    I'm fairly new to ob/gyn coding. We are billing a 99212 with dx z30431 for a six month check on iud's and AR Medicaid is denying the claims. any help is appreciated.
  13. K

    Wiki z13.228

    I have a question on this code. This code is for a metabolic disorders which is you body isn't processing food correctly causing organs to become diseases or do not function normally. I have offices giving this code to verifi prenatal test screening for chromosomes 18, 21 and 13. Am I correct in...
  14. D

    Wiki Coding a Drug Screen

    I'm trying to figure out how to code drug screenings now when physician wants to do a drug screen on a patient. do they need to code specifically what drugs they are screening for or can they use something like Behavior Disorder (F91.9)? They are so used to using V58.69 but ICD does not have a...
  15. N

    Wiki ICD-10 code for "travel"?

    We have patients come in to get immunizations updated for foreign travel. The provider reviews their immunization records, history, etc, and so there is an E/M charge. I haven't found a code specific to "travel advice" so I've been using Z71.89 (other specified counseling). Most insurances...
  16. bekka

    Wiki how do i bill for fibin

    I am wondering if any one knows how to bill for the implant tisseel kit, or Fibrin Sealant. I do understand that this may not be payable but I am trying to locate a code for billing, even if it is a temporary code. We are using it in a ASC setting
  17. C

    Wiki Billing units for HyQvia J1575 I need help!!

    Last year I billed for HyQvia using an unlisted J code. When I billed for this my units were "1" and I put the details of what was administered in box 19. Beginning Jan 1 2016, HyQvia has a new billing code, J1575 Injection, immune globulin/hyaluronidase, (Hyqvia) 100mg, immunoglobulin So...
  18. L

    Wiki 93225 help!

    Our cardiologist normally bills for 93225 and 93227 and Cardionet bills 93226, as I understand. We do not own the Holter monitors and I am being questioned as to whether we should be billing for 93225 because the code states that it includes recording. Can we bill for 93225 when we do NOT own...
  19. K

    Wiki Low anterior resection, end closure & colostomy. (no anastamosis)

    I have an open procedure to code. A total mesorectal excision (low anterior resection) was done for rectal cancer, this included part of the sigmoid colon. The colon was brought out thru the stoma hole & the colostomy appliance applied. I need help with coding this procedure. The closest code I...
  20. J

    Wiki billing for 93922

    Can a RN bill for all ABi testing and Doppler scans for Dm foot care using this code 93922?
  21. J

    Wiki Can a RN Bill 93922

    Can a RN bill for all ABi testing and Doppler scans for Dm foot care using this code 93922?
  22. N

    Wiki Unbundling 64420 to 31622, 32480, 32097, 38500

    I am billing for a Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeon, whom has performed a intercostal nerve block 64420 with a bronchoscopy 31622 (among other procedures); is this code not reimbursable when billed together with the 31622 or is it appropriate to bill w/ a modifier?
  23. A

    Wiki COPD and emphysema

    How is COPD with emphysema coded in ICD 9? I was asked this on an assessment test and it is a bit confusing as far as 491.20 is COPD without exacerbation which is COPD with emphysema with chronic bronchitis. To code it separately 496 states not to be used with any code from categories 491-493...
  24. S

    Wiki Included Services in CPT Codes

    Are there any books or online resources that can tell you what procedures are included in each CPT code, like if imaging or catheter placement is included? Or maybe something that describes the steps for each procedure? It would be something like this book, only more up to date...
  25. D

    Wiki Billing Hospital Consults

    One of our providers (we are a specialist group) did a consultation in the hospital. The patient is on Medicare. Since you can't bill consultations, what CPT code should we use? I know to change the place of service.
  26. J

    Wiki J2997 Cathflo.... coding for declotting PICC line

    I am having trouble coding drug J2997. It is an IVP but from what I am reading you need to bill using CPT code 36593. My question is do I still code the 96374? I was declined on one for a wrong Dx. Is anyone else struggling with his??
  27. E

    Wiki Annual GYN Exam no pap

    If a patient comes in for annual gyn exam not including a pap(just a breast and pelvic exam). Should the preventative medicine code be used? If not what cpt code do we bill? I am thinking the preventative as it is just preventative. The provider is saying no and is concerned that the patients...
  28. J

    Wiki Vision screenings

    Which code do you all use with the abnormal vision screenings Z01.01 ? We are currently using H53.8 and H54.7 . Is there a better code ???
  29. T

    Wiki Help coding s/p lumpectomy, here for med refill

    I'm confused about principal diagnosis for this encounter in which pt comes for refill of medication, s/p lumpectomy. I've read the admonitions not to give the patient what she no longer has, but if she's still under treatment for it...?? Provider's brief note below and dx code he chose...
  30. H

    Wiki Single lesion extends from one vessel into another.

    When a single lesion extends from one vessel into another and is treated with a single intervention bridging the two vessels I know you treat with one code. The question here in my office is do you code the vessel where it starts or ends? I have always coded where it starts. Does anyone have...
  31. B

    Wiki Billing Procedure for Sobxone Treatment

    I need assistance with the CPT code(s) that would be used for Drug Addiction Therapy. Our office will shortly begin using Suboxone therapy for treatment of drug addictions. What CPT code would be used for the Assessment which will include an Initial Comprehensive History and Physical, the...
  32. R

    Wiki physician coding-down coding?

    Hi. the orthopedic physician excised a bone lesion of the tibia and closed it with an allograft-27638. per coding guidelines you can only code for the allograft as the excision is inclusive. He wants to code for an excision w/ a biopsy to get higher RVUs-27635 and 20245 instead. Is this...
  33. R

    Wiki Breast mass

    What is the dx code for breast mass? Insurance won't pay for N63. Thank You,
  34. L

    Wiki Billing Medicare as secondary

    We are Urgent Care and have an Ancillary contract with Cigna,UHC, and Aetna requiring us to bill S9083 at a flat rate regardless of what was done. I have a patient that is Medicare secondary. Cigna applied charges to pt deductible now I need to bill Medicare but they do not take the S codes...
  35. L

    Wiki Z code post op xray

    If a patient comes in for post op and xray performed, can a Z47.89 aftercare code stand alone or is another code required in conjunction with it?
  36. N

    Wiki Advanced Care Planning-The new ACP

    The new ACP that can be done w/AWV, states that there is a 30 minute code of 99497, and each additional 30 minutes is code 99498. What are the guidelines if the physician only spends 20 minutes doing the Advanced Care Planning. I can not find any information on if the physician spends less than...
  37. G

    Wiki Diag. Code for fraying of posterior-superior labrum

    Please advise what code you would use for fraying of posterior-superior labrum of shoulder, with no injury involved. Thank you.
  38. M

    Wiki Ear swab culture

    We have always used 87070 when sending an ear swab for aerobic bacterial culture...starting this month the lab we use is changing this code to 87186 stating Medicare requires we use it. However Medicare is denying the code due to "not medically necessary", has anyone else received this? Doesn't...
  39. J

    Wiki Modifier 26

    May modifier 26 ever be used with an E/M code? Thanks!
  40. A

    Wiki 793.99

    Need ICD10 code for 793.99 used in past - for GYN exam of special needs pt - that can't tolerate pelvic exam - Need ICD10 code for basic GYN U/S.
  41. A

    Wiki Free outpatient clinic vist code

    What code would be used for a free visit? The attending did not come in today, and 21 patients were seen by residents only. How could this be coded/billed/documented?
  42. T

    Wiki Laryngeal nerve monitoring

    Has anyone coded the use of laryngeal monitoring with the endotracheal tube for thyroidectomies? Not sure which code to use, 95865 says with needle? Thanks :)
  43. K

    Wiki 6 minute walk, 94761 vs 94620

    Hi, I am new to Pulmonary coding , I have read all the threads on this forum regarding the 6 minute walk performed with spirometry with bronchodilator vs 94761. I have a question regarding how this should be coded? I receieved an email from another coder as to how she bills this service...
  44. I

    Wiki Anal pap smear cpt code? Or use e/m?

    Hi, Does anyone know if there is a CPT or HCPCS code for Anal Pap Smear? I did see one post where someone advised it is to be bundled in with E/M code. Also, I found pathology CPT code of 88112, for Cytophath cell enhance tech on Medicare website fee schedule. Am I to assume that this will...
  45. J

    Wiki Abnormal Diagnostic Findings

    Patient had a CT scan done which showed bowel wall thickening, the doctor documented colitis stating the etiology could be infectious or ischemic. Do I code for the Colitis, Unspecified? K52.9 or would I code for the Abnormal finding R93.3?
  46. K

    Wiki Rhogam Injection Diagnosis code

    What is the ICD 10 diagnosis code for Prophylatic Rhogam injection. Cross walk for V07.2 is Z41.8. I don't feel comfrotable to use this code. Thank you.
  47. M

    Wiki Observation Status

    When a specialist is called in to Consult for a hospital patient kept in Observation status, should I code for OV (99201-99215)? I was denied payment by Novitas (Medicare) for 99220 stating they only pay this code for the admitting doctor and any other physician should code office...
  48. H

    Wiki left hemicolectomy?

    For a left hemicolectomy what is the cpt code?
  49. A

    Wiki clival chordoma icd-10 coding

    Hi, Chordoma dx directs you to vertebral column, malignant (C41.2). What about if it's clival chordoma? Is it correct to code it C41.2 or C41.0 (malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face)? Thanks!
  50. A

    Wiki ICD-10 Inpatient facility R/O and H/x

    I work for residential behavioral health facility that serves children and adolescents. I am not sure how to code "rule out" and "history off". For example I have on my summary report history of ADHD or R/O ADHD. Is the F90.9 correct code for both scenarios ? Please help me :)