Wiki Ex Fix - Can anyone help?

Inman, SC
Best answers
Wondering if anyone knows if an ortho provider wants to bill CPT 20696 for application of a spatial frame, is it enough in his op report just to say, "spatial frame" was applied to be able to code 20696, or does he need to also mention any part of the "computer assisted stereotactic guidance is the methodology used to exactly locate and plan the external fixation approach" to get the 20696? Or would it be just 20692 for the multiplane ex fix?

Any clarification would be appreciated.
Wondering if anyone knows if an ortho provider wants to bill CPT 20696 for application of a spatial frame, is it enough in his op report just to say, "spatial frame" was applied to be able to code 20696, or does he need to also mention any part of the "computer assisted stereotactic guidance is the methodology used to exactly locate and plan the external fixation approach" to get the 20696? Or would it be just 20692 for the multiplane ex fix?

Any clarification would be appreciated.
A provider wants to call a meeting and is questioning this issue; CPT 20692 vs. 20696 as his documentation does not state the sterotactic guidance during the procedure.
Did you ever get anywhere with this?
It seems to me that because the CPT description of 20696 specifically states (eg spatial frame), that if the documentation states those two words it would be ok. Is it ideal? No. Is it enough, maybe? It would be better if it was more detailed.
The question is, would it ever be called spatial frame if there was no computer assisted stereotactic guidance?

There is a CPT Assistant Jan 18:3 noted in the book as a reference. You could check that.

The CPT description states "with imaging", so there needs to be image documentation in the record.