Data Files
Historical or deleted data setsAre you looking for custom medical coding data files for your organization?
AAPC provides a full selection of historical and deleted data files available for those who need the data to process or adjudicate older submitted claims. Deleted code set data files are available for the standard code sets. Eight historical data files are available for your various needs with archived data dating back to 2015.
Deleted data files
CPT deleted data set
ICD-10-CM deleted data set
HCPCS deleted data File
Historical data files
ICD-9 (new year annual release) 2015
ICD-9 Vol. 3 (new year annual release) 2015
Historical data for CPT
Historical data for HCPCS
Historical data for ICD 10 CM
Historical data for NCCI Practitioner Services
Historical data for DRG to MDC
Historical data for ICD 10 PCS