AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

AAPC Local Chapters

Chapter officer Member Maynia guide - 2024

What is Member Maynia?

Member Maynia is a long-standing AAPC tradition encouraging members to connect with their peers and attend a local chapter meeting in May! AAPC provides swag, prizes and giveaways and local chapters plan for weeks to make their May event extra special.

As chapter officers, YOU are at the heart of these amazing Member Maynia events! Read on to learn why Member Maynia is so important, the promotions and giveaways sponsored by AAPC, and ideas on how to plan and market your event.

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Why Member Maynia?

Maynia events provide your members the opportunity to reconnect with their chapter member peers, reengage with your local chapter and renew their mindset to accomplish their professional development goals for the remainder of the year.

It’s also an excellent time to invite prospective members to connect with like-minded colleagues in their area, engage with your local chapter event and discover the value of AAPC membership and your local chapter.

Chapter officers can take advantage of this time to increase current member engagement and recruit new members through providing a dynamic networking and educational event and clearly presenting the value of becoming an AAPC member.

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Planning your Member Maynia event

Start planning your Member Maynia event well in advance. Remember, this is our big annual promotion spotlighting how amazing our chapters are and we want you to shine! Implement past successes and involve all chapter officers in the planning process. Need help getting started? Read our tips below on how to have a successful meeting from start to end.

2023 May DL Networking

Before your meeting

"Plans are nothing; planning is everything." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Plan a meeting with broad appeal. This should be done well in advance. Remember this may be an individual’s first introduction to AAPC. If attendees feel the content is applicable and interesting, they are more likely to come again.

Seek CEU approval from AAPC. Approval is given based on time spent on education.

Market your meeting. Be sure to queue AAPC’s system to auto-generate email reminders for your meeting to your chapter members.

Offer Incentives. Market the giveaways offered by AAPC and consider additional incentives from your chapter that would be unique and exclusive for your members.

Day of the meeting

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." -Alexander Graham Bell

Arrive early: give yourself time to prepare before your attendees arrive.

  • For in-person meetings: Arrive early enough to ensure the room is set up in advance. Ensure all AV needs for presenters have been met. Personally greet attendees—especially new members, students, and non-member guests. Mark attendance on a tablet, laptop or phone, or have attendees sign in. Consider using name tags.

  • For virtual meetings: Make sure the host has the username and password so the meeting can be available when attendees sign on. Be sure the speaker and all officers who are participating are made co-hosts in advance. Ensure attendees are aware about general virtual meeting housekeeping rules such as muting your microphone unless you are speaking, functionality to raise your hand, etc.

Welcome and introductions: Begin your meeting with a welcome, and introductions. Each chapter officer should be individually introduced and recognized. This is also an opportunity to announce future meetings, reviews, seminar plans, etc. Newly certified coders, etc., could be given an opportunity to introduce themselves, their skillsets and types of employment they are seeking.

Engaging educational presentation: Be sure to properly introduce speaker(s). Consider handouts for your presentation when appropriate. Be sure to allow time for questions and answers. Don't forget to provide the CEU code to attendees.

Networking and mingling: Plan enough time for members to mingle and network after the presentation. Suggest members share business cards. You could also make time for members to share information about any upcoming open job positions, if applicable. Be sure to remind attendees about the next upcoming chapter event.

After the meeting

"Discipline helps you finish a job and finishing is what separates excellent work from average work." -Pat Summit

Mark attendance online: Please note entering attendance should occur within 10 days of your event, and no later than 30 days after your event. Note that AAPC members should subscribe to the chapter they are attending in advance if they want CEUs to auto-populate in their trackers.

Recap after meeting: Meet as officers and discuss both your successes and areas of improvement for next year. Take notes that can be reviewed for the next year. Write thank you-notes to the presenter(s).

Continue the conversation: Encourage attendees to continue the conversation via social media by posting in your chapter Facebook group or including the hashtag #AAPCmaynia24 in their posts. The event may be over, however, the learning and connecting continues!

Send AAPC your pictures: We love to share pictures of your events on our social media, marketing materials, and in the monthly local chapter newsletter template! Please send to localchapters@aapc.com.

AAPC Sponsored Giveaways

Every year, AAPC offers fun giveaways for attendees and chapters who schedule an in-person Member Maynia meeting. It's best to schedule your meeting early in April so we can mail your package. The most important thing you can do is mark your meeting attendance by June 15th so we can identify winners!

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2024 Giveaway Information

To help promote your event, AAPC is offering the following promotional giveaways.

For all chapters:

  • Workshop giveaway (5 Winners): All in-person and virtual meeting attendees will automatically be entered to win. AAPC will notify the winners directly.

  • Boutique conference giveaway (5 Winners): All in-person and virtual meeting attendees will automatically be entered to win. AAPC will notify winners directly.

Chapters with in-person meetings

  • Free webinar giveaway: Chapters with in-person meetings will choose one winner for a free webinar voucher. Please enter your winner here. AAPC will add the free webinar to the winner's account by mid-July.

  • AAPC product giveaways: Chapters who schedule an in-person meeting will receive a package containing AAPC branded items to give away at their meeting.

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'Where'd you stick it?' sticker challenge

Chapters who qualify by scheduling an in-person meeting will receive some fun, waterproof vinyl stickers to giveaway as they see fit. Encourage your members to participate in our sticker challenge!

For a chance to win a virtual conference registration, members must get a collectable AAPC vinyl sticker at their in-person meeting, and post a pic of where they chose to stick it on AAPC social media.

Member Maynia Stickers

Marketing your Member Maynia event

Below are some suggestions on how to divide marketing responsibilities evenly between chapter officers, and the marketing message you can use to help promote your event. Remember, you may also consider enlisting the help of other chapter members to spread the word!

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Marketing ideas by officer

Presidents: Make a list of medical facilities you could contact, promoting your chapter. With your vice president, introduce AAPC and the value of membership and your local chapter to your area.

Vice Presidents: Gather materials that you and the president could use to promote the meeting. Ideas include making flyers, posters, letters or designing other special invitations.

Member Development Officers: Identify your new, or inactive members. Write a personalized email or create a formal mailable invitation to personally invite them to your Member Maynia meeting. Coming to a chapter meeting for the first time is always the hardest step - explain that this is the time to try it out! Provide information about the education and networking opportunities your local chapter offers, the CEUs that can be earned, and consider including a picture of your leadership team. This way, they can recognize you and feel like they "know someone" if they choose to come. The goal is to make your members feel warmly welcomed and not intimidated to try something new.

Education Officers: Select a speaker that will be a good draw: someone all members won't want to miss. For ideas, post on AAPC’s chapter officer forum or the chapter officer's Facebook group. Be sure to request CEU approval for the meeting.

Secretaries: Ensure members are aware that the meeting will take place. Check with the Education Officer to make sure the AAPC system was queued to send auto-reminders to your members. Post your meeting information on your chapter forum.

Treasurers: Create a banner that could be displayed at the front of the room if your event will be held in person. Make thank-you cards that could be sent to members as well as nonmember guests, thanking them for their involvement.

All Officers: Have fun! Use the theme "Make work friends without going to work" to tie your messaging and promotional efforts together.

Marketing messaging

Why local chapter meetings? Why not local chapter meetings? Earn CEUs and have a great time doing it with local peers!

  • Networking: With 70% of our members working remotely, we love that local chapters offer you the opportunity to have work friends, without going to work! Getting connected to your local peers can open doors professionally, create life-long friendships, enrich your career, and nurture your well-being.

  • Continuing education: Local chapters offer a minimum of six educational meetings each year, as well as hold a review class or seminars - ample opportunity to earn multiple free, or low-cost CEUs and continue your learning in healthcare revenue cycle management.

  • Resources: Curious about AAPC member benefits or resources? Your chapter is a great first stop to learn from chapter leaders and peers.


  • "Make work friends without going to work"

  • "Miss the office chats, but not the office? Attend your local Member Maynia event!"

Newsletter Template


  • Design a logo specific to your chapter using AAPC's style with AAPC's Chapter Logo Generator

  • AAPC maynia purple HEX #612066

  • AAPC logo light green HEX #008776

  • AAPC logo dark green HEX #04474c

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