AAPC - Advancing the Business of Healthcare

Do you have any tips for getting and succeeding at an externship?

  • Prepare or update your resume and references

  • Network with your local chapter, friends, and family. The more people who are on your side the quicker it will be to find an externship/job

  • Volunteer to assist during vacations and breaks

  • Communicate

  • Have a good attendance policy. Show up when you’re scheduled to work.

  • Go to in-services, meetings, and any other function that would apply to coding & billing

  • Gather resources for yourself (find the materials you need to be efficient)

  • Evaluate yourself and ask to be evaluated by your supervisor (What experience have you gained? Where can you improve?)

  • Be outgoing and tactful

  • Remember externs are advised not to share with others information that may have been disclosed by other externs or employees at their externship that may be privileged or confidential

  • Our approved sites are volunteers and businesses. Please treat them professionally and understand they are volunteering their time and money to help you gain work experience.

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