Discover everything AAPC Membership has to offer.250,000+ members
Welcome to AAPC Membership
"Congratulations on becoming an AAPC member and taking the first step to enhancing your profession. Our mission is to provide you career building resources and professional networking that will expand and develop your expertise. Whether your focus is on establishing and advancing your career or expanding your connections and knowledge, membership in AAPC provides a firm foundation for you to grow."
- Brian Van Norman, AAPC Membership and Local Chapters Director
What's included
Career support worth $2,000+
Your membership provides over $2,000 in education, connections, and career support—including CEUs, training, work tools, discounts, and more!
8-part career development training to kickstart your career ($400 value)
Unlimited free/low-cost CEUs and networking at Local Chapters (Priceless)
12 annual CEUs from AAPC the Magazine ($450 value)
4 annual CEUs via exclusive member-only webinars ($150 value)
4 CEUs with FREE AI in Medical Coding certificate course ($350 value)
13 exclusive coding & billing tools to enhance productivity (Invaluable)
100+ micro-courses for professional development ($500 value)
Everyday discounts through our Savings Center ($900+ avg savings)
Feel free to explore—this page is your one-stop shop for accessing all your benefits.

Begin here
Get started with New Member Orientation and free career training
If you are a new member, navigating what it means to be a part of a professional association or embarking on a new career, make this section your first stop.
Register for our next New Member Orientation
Watch our FREE 8-part Career Development Program and earn 4 CEUs
Learn what hiring professionals are looking for with 'Ask a Recruiter'

salary report
Know your worth to increase your earnings
Whether you’re starting a job search or ready for a promotion, use AAPC’s Salary Survey Report to uncover what other professionals like you are getting paid — so you can negotiate with confidence.
Learn peer-based salaries by location, certification(s), experience, and other criteria
Ensure you are paid fairly by benchmarking against others with similar skills and certifications
Full annual report released each January
Unlimited free or low cost ceus
Access local chapter education and community
Your local chapter is at the heart of your membership. Connect with others locally or virtually for career opportunities, knowledge sharing, support and mentorship.
Network with other professionals and potential hiring managers
Get support from other members to achieve your career goals
Earn unlimited free, or low-cost CEUs by attending educational events

12 free ceus
Stay current on industry trends with AAPC the Magazine
Our member-exclusive professional publication, AAPC the Magazine provides updates on industry news along with monthly opportunities to earn free CEUs.
Monthly subscription delivered via email or mail
12 free CEUS available annually with monthly self-quizzes
100+ courses
Enhance your career with our Professional Development Library
Unlock unlimited, on-demand access to over 100 courses designed to elevate your professional soft skills.
Explore topics ranging from business skills and information technology to leadership, sales, service, and software training.
Strengthen your everyday job skills at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.

4 free ceus
Enroll in our Free AI in Medical Coding Certificate Course
Build the skills of the future, today. Gain job-ready AI knowledge on us. Learn valuable practical skills that will remove the hype of AI, while helping you round out your skills and increase your productivity
Course is self-paced over 8 weeks
You'll earn a specialty certificate in AI and 4 CEUs
Free to members, regularly $350

4 free ceus
Earn CEUs by watching our free, member-only webinars
Access member-exclusive training on hot topics accessible only to AAPC members and earn 4 CEUs annually.
Education from the industry's top revenue cycle management minds
Webinars regularly updated, remember to check regularly
free tools
Unlock valuable job tools built for you
Proprietary tools to increase your everyday job productivity.
13 online software tools to assist various job roles and functions
Built with our members and their professions in mind
Make everyday tasks significantly faster and easier
Get member-only pricing on almost all AAPC products and services
Buy code books, training, education, conference admission, and more for less.
Monthly sales and contests with chances to win big.

Exclusive promos
Gain access to exclusive offers designed to help you upskill—on us!
We’ve given away over 30,000 free training courses in the last three years.
Earn additional CEUs while gaining new skills.
Early bird pricing for member-exclusive events.

coupons and discounts
Enjoy big discounts on globally recognized brands through our Savings Center
Savings exclusive to members on restaurants, shopping, travel, and more.
Average AAPC member saves $916 each year through our discounts.
Mobile app or desktop access using member ID.
Save up to 50% on dining, travel, shopping, and more.