Wiki Zio Patch 93245


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Hello, is anyone familiar with Zio Patch, our office applies it and our providers want to bill for CPT 93245, it doesn't make sense to me for us to bill it if we are just applying the Zio patch and scheduling the patient when to come back for full results and remove it.

Can someone assist if we should be coding and billing when it is applied or when the patient comes back to be removed?
per Encoder Pro:
93245 -external electrocardiographic recording for more than 7 days up to 15 days by continuous rhythm recording and storage; includes recording, scanning analysis with report, review and interpretation

to me that sounds like you cannot use this code for the placement or removal of the device, since the code includes the review and interpretation.
You might want to look at the series of codes (93241 - 93248) since they have different requirements.
per Encoder Pro:
93245 -external electrocardiographic recording for more than 7 days up to 15 days by continuous rhythm recording and storage; includes recording, scanning analysis with report, review and interpretation

to me that sounds like you cannot use this code for the placement or removal of the device, since the code includes the review and interpretation.
You might want to look at the series of codes (93241 - 93248) since they have different requirements.
This is actually the correct code for our providers, the only concern I have is that they are trying to bill this CPT the day they place the device, how can you bill something without a report yet. So, shouldn't they be billing this until the patient comes back?