Wiki Z71.2

Inman, SC
Best answers
Can someone tell me please if Z71.2 is a primary billable code? Can it be used as the only dx on a claim? I know it cannot be used as a primary inpatient code for Medicare, but can we use it in the office, say for MRI results?

Thank you!

Z71.2 as principal diagnosis

According to the tabular index, a symbol next to the code indicates that it is an unacceptable principal diagnosis per Medicare code edits. This applies for outpatient and inpatient care.

Teri Peniston, CPC
According to the tabular index, a symbol next to the code indicates that it is an unacceptable principal diagnosis per Medicare code edits. This applies for outpatient and inpatient care.]

Hi, that's good to know. I don't have any such symbol in my codebook. That would be extremely helpful, though. Thanks.