Wiki Z51.89 PT/OT/ST aftercare codes

Anderson, SC
Best answers
What is your understanding when it comes to using code Z51.89 for outpatient PT/OT/ST? I understand it to be unacceptable to use as a principal dx as it does not describe the currecnt illness or injury but it can be used along with a secondary dx. Is that correct?
You need to read the guidelines for rehab. You use the reason the patient needs rehab. If they are post joint replacement then you use the Z code for aftercare following joint replacement. If the rehab is for post trauma procedures then you will not use aftercare Z codes you will use the trauma code with a D or the residual problem with the injury code with the S

If the patient comes into outpatient setting for physical therapy but the diagnosis is right shoulder pain (there is no definitive diagnosis). Would Z51.89 be used as secondary code in this example. Thanks!