Wiki Z03-ruled out and Z33.3 - pregnancy state, gestational carrier

Walnut Creek, CA
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Hello, I am new to OBGYN coding and will greatly appreciate your help in these particular diagnosis.
1.Should we use Z03- condition ruled out or we should use dx from Indications/reason for the service? The cases we have -pregnant woman comes for an ultrasound for 'low-lying placenta' for example. This condition was in Indications but in Conclusions: the low-lying placenta is resolved, or MD can write ' placenta is normal." Is Z03 -ruled out appropriate or MD must say ' ruled out'?
2. In what cases can we use Z33.3- pregnancy state, gestational carrier? We had a case when a woman, a surrogate, came for an ultrasound and the Indication was: Surrogate state.
Thank you in advance.