Wiki Your favorite underrated coding tools


True Blue
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I have two that I think are vital but frequently overlooked:
1. National Correct Coding Initiative - including the edit sets and the manual.
2. Appendix A of the CPT manual. It contains the full descriptors for CPT modifiers.
I would add to that list excludes1 diagnoses. I've been doing this a long time, and 10 years ago, I never heard of an insurance denying a claim because of the diagnosis combination. Yes, if the diagnosis did not justify the procedure you'd see a denial. But these days, I think excludes1 diagnoses denials are our number 1. It doesn't help that my healthcare organization currently uses several piecemeal computer systems and excludes1 diagnoses do not hit edits in pre-bill.
I remember the time years ago when I finally had the lightbulb moment about the NCCI manual and edits! Thankfully, it was an experienced coder/manager that helped me understand.

I would say, going back to the basics is underrated. Like, read the guidelines! The answers are in there.