Wiki xray coding


Myrtle Beach, SC
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if the referring physician orders 3 views and we do 5 views it it okay to just bill for the 3 views even though the dictation states 5 were done. What I am asking is there a compliance issuing for billing for less than the # of views that were requested on the script. Sometimes our referring physicians indicate the # of views or the cpt on the script if we do more than the # of views on the script, but only bill for the amount indicated on the script is this a compliance issue
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My experience is the radiologist will do more views if 3 views does not completely paint the full picture of the patient's condition. I think it is up to the radiologist's discretion unless every patient coming in gets those extra views. Is there a pattern of these extra views?

It is orthopedic xrays and they do a different # of views based on body habitus, medical necessity, protocal. This is an issue when the referring physician states the # of views on the script or there is a referral. I wanted to know how other coders handle this issue. Do they request a new script/referral or is it ok to bill only for what was ordered. I am asking from a compliance point of view