Wiki X-Rays


Loganville, GA
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Hello everyone. PLEASE HELP! I have a provider that does X-Rays in his office. He wants to know if he has to bring someone in to read the X-Ray or if he read it and bill for the reading. If he can bill, what cpt would I use?
Does the office own the equipment? If so he can read the xrays and just bill the correct CPT for the xray with no modifiers.
He can bill for the reading if he dictates a separate report. You want to use the CPT code for the body part being imaged (70000 codes in cpt). You want to become familiar with the modifiers for professional and technical components. 26-professional (reading) and TC-technical (taking image). If the doctor owns the equipment and reads and dictates the findings you would use no modifier (global for both technical and professional).