Wiki X-ray orders

Bixby, OK
Best answers
Ortho/Neuro specialists performing x-rays in office utilizing equipment they own-- is an actual order form required for these if physician verbally tells staff they want to perform the x-ray and medical necessity and intent is documented in the chart note?
All orders have to be signed or authenticated by the physician or ordering NPP. The staff can document a verbal order, but it still needs to be signed in the chart by the provider to be valid. I don't believe a separate order form is required as long as the order is appropriately documented in the chart.
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Thanks Thomas, what about for standing orders, such as post arthrodesis and physicians obtain films to confirm integrity of the fusion... If that is a practice standard so to speak, does there need to be an order for those to be performed?
My understanding is that standing orders may be initiated by staff following the protocol associated with those orders, but even these must be entered into the patient's chart and authenticated by the provider. The only exception to this that I'm aware of is for certain vaccinations.