Wiki Wrists- Code to the arms or to the hands?


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Can't seem to remember this and not finding anything quickly that tells me. Can someone point me to the correct place in the guidelines that supports choosing arm codes over hand codes when excising lesion from the wrist? Thanks everyone!

Same for inguinal area- trunk/legs or genitalia? I always considered it trunk, but I have a Provider that insists it should be genitalia. (ie: 11305 instead of 11300 for lesion shave)
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Under ICD-10-PCS for example Wrist is coded to arm. I'm not sure if CPT follows this or not

If a procedure is performed on the skin, subcutaneous tissue or fascia overlying a joint, the procedure is coded to the following body part:
• Shoulder is coded to Upper Arm
• Elbow is coded to Lower Arm
• Wrist is coded to Lower Arm
• Hip is coded to Upper Leg
• Knee is coded to Lower Leg
• Ankle is coded to Foot