Wiki wound exploration - radial distal forearm


Winter Springs, FL
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Patient had a forearm laceration which was closed prior to coming to our office.
Had numbness, so doctor decided to do an exploration with possible nerve repair. During surgery he discovered no damage to the nerve, so it was strictly an exploration and then he closed. How do I code this? I thought 20103, but it is not a deep penetrating wound from gunshot or stabbing ( patient lacerated with a knife while working as a chef). Please help :
" An incision was made through the wound at the volar radial distal forearm. The incision was then extended proximally and distally. dissection was taken into subcutaneous tissues. There was evidence for penetration to the brachial radialis but no evidence for tendon or nerve laceration. The distal branches of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve were visualized. The radial sensory nerve was visualized. There was no penetration of the fascia to the median nerve. The wound was then irrigated with copious amounts of sterile solution. The wound was closed with nylon suture. a dressing was applied.