Wiki wound clinic coding


Milton, WI
Best answers
I code for an outpatient hospital based wound care clinic. I am questioning whether we should be billing for all dressings and supplies separately. I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but our organization does do split billing ie. facility and profee charges separately. At this time we don't separately bill for any of the dressings or supplies and I am receiving mixed messages regarding this.

I would appreciate any input from other wound care billers/coders out there.

Thank you in advance!
wound care coding

Dressings and supplies are included in the CPT for the procedures, they are not separately charged at our facility. We also do split billing but can only bill the CPT for the procedure on the UB, not supplies.
Most supplies and dressings will be included with your CPT procedure that you are charging.

With the facility-only portion of the bill, you will assign HCPCS codes for certain dressings like Cellerate RX that has its own specific HCPCS code billable in HOPDs-- this will not be billed on the professional charge. Items such as Santyl will be considered inclusive to the CPT code, so there will be no charge for the actual supply of ointment itself.

Supplies/dressings will be included in the E/M service or CPT procedure billed on the professional side. We also practice split billing at our faclity.