Wiki Wound Clinic Billing


Milton, WI
Best answers
Looking for input from some other wound clinic billers/coders.
Are your clinics charging additional for supplies? Our clinic is not, nor has ever charged for any supplies and it seems that we should be as a lot of these supplies are quite expensive.

Any input would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you,

Tracey Morehart, CPC
What supplies are you billing for? Another wound coder told me that they weren't billing them either as they are bundled into the procedures. Many times the patient isn't having a procedure but we are still changing wound dressings.
We are also billing out for the skin substitute material but that is our only supply that I have seen that we bill for.
Just wondering... What E/M code do you bill for your wound care visits and what Revenue code do you use when billing for facility? And what type of facility do you work for?
99201-99205/99211-99215 are the E/M codes used unless Medicare facility e/m and then of course it's a G0463. The facility rev code for our e/m is 0761 and the profee rev code for an e/m is 0510. This is an off site wound clinic, however we bill as if it is a dept of the hospital. Any insight you may have would be greatly appreciated :)