Wiki Wound Care

The description in the CPT states wound(s) which would lead me to believe it is once a day, but for wound(s) that have a greater surface area than 20 sq cent 97598.

I hope this is helpful.
Per CPT assistant:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Would it be appropriate to report codes 97597-97598 for each wound that is debrided?

A: No. Codes 97597-97598 are reported per session, as described in the code descriptor, using the total wound(s) surface area size as the determinant of the appropriate code.
I agree,
codes 97597 and 97598 are only once per day, it is not likely the dr will debride the same wounds more than once per day.

be careful though, make sure you choose the correct codes,
97597-97598 are for selective debridement. This means that only non viable tissue is removed, the patient should have no pain and no bleeding, and there is no increase in wound size after the debridement.

if there is pain or bleeding, and if the wound size is enlarged, and if the debridement is done with scalpel or other sharp object then you need to refer to debridement codes 11040-11044 THESE CODES ARE CODED PER WOUND NOT PER SESSION.

Caprice Walder, CPC
I was getting denials for 97597 and found out that a -GO or -GP modifier was needed. I code in the midwest, you might ask your local carrier if a modifier is needed. Just an FYI.