Wiki Wound Care

Omaha, NE
Best answers
We have two PTs for wound care. One does Inpatient and the other does Outpatient. When either is out, there's a prn RN, WCC that covers on the Inpatient side. Administration doesn't want to be losing money when she is covering and we are trying to find articles that specifically state whether or not she can charge when in the Inpatient setting and also when in the Outpatient setting. Anything helps.
Unless there's something I don't know about (and that is entirely possible), RN services in the inpatient setting must be provided for by the facility... meaning no outside RN will be paid.

In the outpatient setting, is she working incident-to a physician's services?
I agree, wound care done in a facility by PTs or RNs (inpatient or outpatient) will be billed by the facility only. Are you talking about facility employees here, or employees of an outside practice that are going to the facility to perform these services?

If these are facility employees, then the hospital may charge for their services, and those charges will be billed as a line item on the UB-04 hospital claim. In most cases, though, it won't affect reimbursement at all because hospitals are reimbursed on a DRG or case rate.